美国学生历史 第196期:解放奴隶宣言(1)
时间:2018-09-03 00:54:06
Chapter 39 The emancipation1 proclamation 第39章《解放奴隶宣言》
402. The Blockade. 402.封锁
On the fall of Fort Sumter President Lincoln ordered a blockade of the Confederate
seaports2. 在萨穆特要塞失陷之后,林肯总统命令封锁南方联盟的海港。
There were few manufacturing industries in the South. 南方的制造业很少,
Cotton and tobacco were the great
staples3 of export. 棉花和烟草是他们的主要出口物资,
If her ports were blockaded the South could neither bring in arms and military supplies from Europe, nor send cotton and tobacco to Europe to be sold for money. 如果港口被封锁,南方联盟就不可能从欧洲得到武器与给养,也不能将棉花和烟草卖出去,
So her power of resisting the Union armies would be greatly
lessened4. 这样就大大削弱其对联邦军队的抵抗。
The Union government bought all kinds of
vessels5, even harbor ferryboats, armed them, and stationed them off the blockaded harbors. 联邦政府买下了各种各样的船只,甚至还买下了港口的渡船,将这些船只武装起来,将它们安插到那些被封锁港口的附近,
In a surprisingly short time the blockade was established. 这道封锁线以令人吃惊的速度建立起来。
The Union forces also began to occupy the Southern seacoast, and thus the region that had to be blockaded
steadily6 grew less. 联邦军队还开始占据南方各州的海岸,这样一来,被牢牢封锁起来的南方各地就动弹不得。
403. Effects of the Blockade. 403.封锁所产生的效果
As months and years went by, and the blockade became stricter and stricter, the sufferings of the Southern people became ever greater. 经年累月,封锁变得越来越严,南方人经受的困难越来越大。
As they could not send their products to Europe to exchange for goods, they had to pay gold and silver for whatever the blockade runners brought in. 由于不能将自己的作物卖给欧洲人以换取物资,他们不得不用黄金和白银支付走私者带来的任何东西,
Soon there was no more gold and silver in the Confederacy, and paper money took its place. 很快南方联盟不再有黄金和白银,他们发行纸币。
Then the supplies of manufactured goods, as clothing and paper, of things not produced in the South, as coffee and salt, gave out. 随后,衣服和纸这样的工业品以及咖啡和盐这些南方所不出产的东西都耗尽了。