美国学生历史 第202期:The year 1863(2)
时间:2018-09-03 01:00:48
But Grant drove him back and began the siege of the town from the land side. 但格兰特指挥部队将他赶回城堡,并开始从陆地一面包围维克斯堡。
But slowly and surely they were starved into
submission3. 但是,随着时间推移他们毫无疑问会因为弹尽粮绝而投降。
On July 4, 1863, Pemberton surrendered the
fortress4 and thirty-seven thousand men. 1863年7月4日,培波顿交出要塞和要塞中的3.7万人。
415. Opening of the Mississippi. 415.开通密西西比河
Port Hudson, between Vicksburg and New Orleans, was now the only important Confederate position on the Mississippi. 现在位于维克斯堡与新奥尔良之间的哈得孙要塞是密西西比河上唯一被南方联盟所占领的要塞。
On July 8 it surrendered. A few days later the freight steamer Imperial from St. Louis reached New Orleans. 7月8日这个要塞投降,几天后从圣路易斯开来的"帝国"号货船抵达新奥尔良,
The Mississippi at last "flowed unvexed to the sea." The Confederacy was cut in twain. 密西西比河终于"毫不为难地流进大海"。南方联盟被分为两段。
416. Lee's Second Invasion, 1863. 416.李将军的第二次入侵(1863年)
"Fighting Joe Hooker" was now in command of the Army of the Potomac. 此时指挥波特马克军的是"好战的乔·胡克"。
Outwitting Lee, he gained the rear of the Confederate lines on Marye's Heights. 为了蒙骗李将军,胡克驻军在南方联盟阵线后方的梅耶高地,
But Lee fiercely attacked him at Chancellorsville and drove him back across the Rappahannock. 但是,李将军在羌斯勒斯维勒向他发动猛烈攻击,迫使他后撤到拉帕汉诺克河对岸,
Then Lee again crossed the Potomac and invaded the North. 李将军再次渡过波特马克河入侵北方,
This time he
penetrated5 to the heart of Pennsylvania. 这一次他攻击到宾夕法尼亚州的腹地。
Hooker moved on parallel lines, always keeping between Lee and the city of Washington. 胡克的部队与之平行运动,总是保持部队在李将军部队与华盛顿这座城市之间。
At length, in the midst of the campaign, Hooker asked to be relieved, and George G. Meade became the fifth and last chief of the Army of the Potomac. 最终,在战役进行期间胡克被免职,乔治·G·米德变成波特马克军的第五任也是最后一任司令。