X星球系列故事 第29期:Danger sign
时间:2018-09-19 02:29:38
Danger sign 危险信号
upon1 a time, there was an old lion. He was very slow, and it was difficult for him to catch any animals. When he did catch one, it always got away. He was too weak to hold onto them.
Then he had an idea! He told all the other animals that he was sick. Then he lay down in a
cave2 and waited. When the other animals came to visit him, he leaped up and ate them.
One day, an old and wise fox walked past the entrance to the cave. He called out to the lion and asked him how he was. "Bad," answered the hungry lion, "why don't you come in and visit me?"
But the wise fox
sensed3 danger. He had noticed that there were many
tracks4 going into the cave and none at all coming back out. "No, thanks," said the wise fox. "I have lived to be very old because I always see the signs of danger before it is too late."
从前,有一只老狮子。行动迟缓,想逮住任何动物都变得很难。当他好不容易逮到一只的时候,又常常被它们跑掉。只因为它太虚弱了,根本就抓不住它们。 它想了一个办法。它告诉所有的动物它生病了。然后它就躺在山洞中等待着。当有动物进洞来看望它时,它就一跃而起并且吃掉它们。 一天,一只又老又狡猾的狐狸恰巧从洞口走过。它对着狮子大喊问它现在怎么样了。“不好”饥饿的狮子回答道“为什么你不进来看看我呢?” 但是狡猾的狐狸感觉到了危险。它注意到有很多足迹是朝洞里走进去的,但是却没有任何足迹是走出来的。“不了,谢谢”,狡猾的狐狸说。“我能活这么久,全靠我在生死关头能够提前看到危险的信号。” Lie LIE Lie 这个动词有两个意思,一个意思是躺下,平卧,平放。 Mary lay down on the bed and took a
nap5.玛丽躺下来午睡片刻。另一个意思是说谎 Tom likes to lie, so nobody trusts him.汤姆喜欢说谎,所以没人信任他。小朋友们可能会奇怪,为什么我在文中没有看到lie这个单词呢?苑爸爸告诉你,这个单词,在本文中是以过去式的形态出现的,它就是单词Lay,LAY lay Then he lay down in a cave and waited.关于动词时态的问题,属于语法的范畴,等小朋友们开始系统的学习语法的时候,苑爸爸自然就会教你们啦。现在先不用着急,记住苑爸爸教你们的单词和用法就可以啦。