TED演讲 全球经济的隐形推动力—寄钱回家(3)
时间:2018-10-11 00:27:53
U.S. Fed started a program with Mexico to enable money service businesses to send money to Mexico for a fixed1 cost of only 67 cents per transaction. 美国联邦政府和墨西哥之间启动了一个项目,使得汇款公司往墨西哥寄钱时只需要每笔67美分的手续费。
And yet, these faster, cheaper, better options can't be
applied2 internationally because of the fear of money
laundering3, 但是这些更快,更便宜,更好的办法,还不能在国际上通用,因为担心被人利用来洗钱。
even though there is little data to support any connection, any significant connection between money laundering and these small
remittance4 transactions. 虽然没有什么数据证明这两者之间有什么联系,就是说洗钱和小额的移民汇款之间有什么联系。
Many international banks now are
wary5 of hosting bank accounts of money service businesses, especially those serving Somalia. 很多跨国银行现在害怕拥有汇款公司的账户,特别是那些业务涉及到索马里的公司。
Somalia, a country where the per capita income is only 250 dollars per year. 索马里人均年收入才250美元。
remittances6, on average, to Somalia is larger than that amount. 按月寄往索马里的移民汇款平均都大于这个数。
Remittances are the lifeblood of Somalia. 移民汇款成了索马里的血脉。
And yet, this is an example of the right hand giving a lot of aid, 索马里的情况就是个典型的例子,一方面右手给予很多援助,
while the left hand is cutting the lifeblood to that economy, through regulations. 另一方面左手又通过各种条规切断它的经济血脉。
Then there is the case of poor people from villages, like me. 像我这样来自乡村的穷人还会遇到另一个问题。
In the villages, the only place where you can get money is through the post office. 在乡村里,唯一能收到汇款的地方是邮局。
Most of the governments in the world have allowed their post offices to have exclusive
partnerships8 with money transfer companies. 世界上多数国家的政府都允许邮局和某个汇款公司之间建立唯一的合作关系。
So, if I have to send money to my father in the village, I must send money through that particular money transfer company, 所以如果我要寄钱给乡下的父亲,我就必须得去特定的那一家汇款公司寄。
even if the cost is high. 即使它收费较高,
I cannot go to a cheaper option. 我也没有其它的选择。
This has to go. 这种情况必须要改变。
So, what can international organizations and social entrepreneurs do to reduce the cost of sending money home? 那么,国际组织和社会企业家们可以做些什么来降低寄钱回家的费用呢?
First, relax regulations on small remittances under 1,000 dollars. 首先,放宽关于一千美元以下的小额移民汇款的法规,
Governments should recognize that small remittances are not money laundering. 政府应该意识到,小额汇款不是洗钱。
Second, governments should abolish exclusive partnerships between their post office and the money transfer company. 第二,政府应该禁止邮局和某个汇款公司建立唯一的合作关系。
For that matter, between the post office and any national
banking9 system that has a large network that serves the poor. 最好是禁止邮局和任何全国性的银行系统之间建立这种关系,
In fact, they should promote competition, 实际上,他们应该鼓励竞争,
open up the
partnership7 so that we will bring down costs like we did, 开放合作伙伴,这样就可以降低费用,
like they did, in the telecommunications industry. 就像电话业那样。
You have seen what has happened there. 你们都知道电话业的情况了。
Third, large nonprofit philanthropic organizations should create a remittance platform on a nonprofit basis. 第三,大型非营利性组织应该在非营利的基础上创建一个移民汇款平台。
They should create a nonprofit remittance platform to serve the money transfer companies so that they can send money at a low cost, 他们应该创建一个非营利的移民汇款平台来服务于汇款公司,使他们能降低寄钱的费用,
while complying with all the complex regulations all over the world. 同时还能不违反世界各地各种复杂的条规。
The development community should set a goal of reducing remittance costs to one percent from the current eight percent. 发展中的社区应该朝着将移民汇款费率从现在的8%降到1%的目标努力。
If we reduce costs to one percent, 如果我们能把费用降到1%,
that would release a saving of 30 billion dollars per year. 将每年省下300亿美元。
Thirty billion dollars, that's larger than the entire
bilateral10 aid budget going to Africa per year. 比每年给非洲的全部双边资助预算还多,
That is larger than, or almost similar to, 而且也比美国政府的全部援助预算
the total aid budget of the United States government, 还多,或着几乎相当。
the largest
donor11 on the planet. 这可是全球最大的捐助国。
Actually, the
savings12 would be larger than that 30 billion because remittance channels are also used for aid, trade and investment purposes. 实际上,省下的还不止那三百亿,因为移民汇款渠道还可以用于救援,贸易和投资。
Another major impediment to the flow of remittances reaching the family is the large and
exorbitant13 and illegal cost of recruitment, 另一个严重阻碍移民汇款到达家人手中的因素,是高额的非法招工费。
fees that migrants pay, migrant workers pay to
laborers14 who found them the job. 这些费是移民工人付给给他们找到工作的人的。
I was in Dubai a few years ago. 几年前我去过迪拜
I visited a camp for workers. 我去了一个劳工的营地。