时间:2018-10-11 01:11:49
You need an AUV, an autonomous1 underwater vehicle. 你需要个AUV,一个自行式水下航行器。
It needs to be one smart puppy, able to
navigate2 and make decisions on its own in an alien ocean. 它必须很聪明,能够自己导航在陌生的外星球的大洋里能够自己做决定。
What Jim didn't know when he released that movie was that six months earlier NASA had funded a team I assembled to develop a prototype for the Europa AUV. 吉姆公映这部电影时并不知道六个月前NASA(美国宇航局)已拨款给我集合的一个团队去研发木卫二自行式水下航行器的原型。
I mean, I cut through three years of engineering meetings, design and system
integration3, and introduced DEPTHX Deep Phreatic
Thermal4 Explorer. 我花了三年的工程会议,设计和系统整合,设计了DEPTHX-深水热源探索仪。
And as the movie says, this is one smart puppy. 就像电影描述的,这是一个灵敏的小东西。
It's got 96
sensors5, 36 onboard computers, 它有96个传感器,36台车携式电脑,
100,000 lines of behavioral autonomy code, 十万条自主行为指令,
packs more than 10 kilos of TNT in electrical onboard equivalent. 携带着十多公斤的炸药。
This is the target site, 这是目的地,
the world's deepest hydrothermal spring at Cenote Zacaton in northern Mexico. 墨西哥北部萨卡通石灰岩洞的世界最深温泉。
It's been explored to a depth of 292 meters. 有人曾经探索到292米深处。
and beyond that nobody knows anything. 再深就没人知道是什么样了。
This is part of DEPTHX's mission. 探索它是深水热源探测仪的任务之一。
There are two primary targets we're doing here. 我们有两个正在研究的主要方向。
One is, how do you do science autonomy underground? 一个是如何在地下自动地做科学实验?
How do you take a robot and turn it into a field microbiologist? 如何将机器人变成野外工作的生物学家?
There are more stages involved here than I've got time to tell you about, but basically we drive through the space, we populate it with environmental variables-sulphide, halide, things like that. 这个有更多的步骤,可惜我没有足够的时间细述,但是基本上我们操纵机器人穿过这个空间,我们让它探测环境变量-硫化物,卤化物,这样的东西。
We calculate gradient surfaces, and drive the bot over to a wall where there's a high probability of life. 我们计算倾斜的表面,操纵机器人爬上墙体,那里很有可能存在生命。
We move along the wall, in what's called
proximity6 operations, 我们沿墙移动,这就是所谓的近距离操做,
looking for changes in color. 寻找颜色的变化。
If we see something that looks interesting, we pull it into a microscope. 如果我们遇到什么有趣的东西,我们把它放到显微镜下。
If it passes the
microscopic7 test, we go for a collection. 如果它通过了显微镜测试,我们就收集样本。