时间:2018-10-11 01:50:23
Time stood still for a long while, 好长一会儿,时间彷佛静止了,
and all I could think and repeat in the
chaos1 of my brain was: 而在混乱中,我脑中想的与重复的是:
"You can forget about that
partnership2, Leila. 你可以忘记那个伙伴关系,蕾拉。
It's just never going to happen." 这样下去不会有什么结果的。
It took me a couple of days to
fully3 absorb this incident and its
implications4, 这让我花了几天去完全消化这件事与它的含义,
but once I did, I reached three conclusions. 但最后,我得到三个结论。
One, that these were his issues, his complexes. 第一,那是他的问题,他的病态心理。
There may be many like him in our society, but I would never let their issues become mine. 在我们的社会中存在着很多像他一样的人,他们的观点我绝不会苟同。
Two, that I needed another
sponsor5, and fast. 第二,我需要其他的支持者,而且要快。
I got one, by the way, and boy, was he great. 顺带一提,我找到了另一半,他真的很棒。
And three, that I would get to show John what women with children can do. 而第三,我要展示给约翰,有小孩的女人可以做什么。
I apply this lesson equally well to my personal life. 这个经验在我的个人生活中也是一样好用。
As I have progressed in my career, I have received many words of encouragement, 当我在职业上有进展时,我得到很多言语的鼓励,
but I have also often been met by women, men and couples 但我也常遇到一些女人、男人与夫妻,
who have clearly had an issue with my husband and I having chosen the path of a dual-career couple. 他们很明确地对我们夫妇选择双薪家庭的道路存有质疑。
So you get this well-meaning couple 所以你知道这些出于好心的夫妇
who tells you straight out at a family
gathering6 or at a friends gathering, 在家庭聚会或是在朋友聚会直接了当地告诉你,
that, come on, you must know you're not a great mom, given how much you're
investing7 in your career, right? 哎呀,你必须知道你不是个好妈妈,投资了多少在你的职业生涯,对吧?
I would lie if I said these words didn't hurt. 如果我说这些言语不伤人,那我绝对在说谎。
My children are the most precious thing to me, 我的孩子是我最珍视的事情,
and the thought that I could be failing them in any way is intolerable. 而要我辜负他们的想法无论如何都是无法忍受的。
But just like I did with John, I quickly reminded myself that these were their issues, their complexes. 但就像我对约翰所做的,我很快地提醒我自己这些都是他们的问题,他们的自卑心态。
So instead of replying, I gave back one of my largest smiles as I saw, in flashing light, the following sign in my mind's eye. 所以我不回答他们,只是回敬一个我最大的微笑,当时我看到,在闪烁的光芒下,在我脑海中的迹象。