
TED演讲 世上最无聊电视节目 为何迷得无可救药(1)

时间:2018-10-15 01:46:38



 Thank you.  谢谢大家。

I have only got 18 minutes to explain something that lasts for hours and days,  我只有18分钟的时间来讲一件持续了数天数夜的事情,
so I'd better get started.  所以最好述不宜迟,
Let's start with a clip from Al Jazeera's Listening Post.  我们先来看一段来自Al Jazeera监听站的短片。
Richard Gizbert: Norway is a country that gets relatively1 little media coverage2. Ricahrd Gizbert:  挪威是个媒体覆盖率相对较低的国家。
Even the elections this past week passed without much drama.  好比这礼拜刚完的选举,没啥亮点。
And that's the Norwegian media in a nutshell:  挪威的新闻媒体就是这么回事:
not much drama.  没有亮点。
A few years back,  几年前,
Norway's public TV channel NRK decided3 to broadcast live coverage of a seven-hour train ride seven hours of simple footage, 挪威的公共电视台NRK决定现场直播行程7个小时的火车之旅—固定镜头拍摄一辆行驶中的火车镜头
a train rolling down the tracks.  长达7个小时。
Norwegians, more than a million of them according to the ratings, loved it.  收视率数据表示, 有超过一百万的挪威观众喜爱收看这个节目。
A new kind of reality TV show was born,  一种全新的真人秀从此横空出世,
and it goes against all the rules of TV engagement.  而且它和以往的电视节目截然不同:
There is no story line, no script,  没故事,没脚本,
no drama, no climax,  没亮点,没高潮,
and it's called Slow TV.  它就叫做慢电视。
For the past two months,  就在前两个月的时间里,
Norwegians have been watching a cruise ship's journey up the coast,  挪威观众看的是一艘游艇漫游海岸的旅程,
and there's a lot of fog on that coast.  关键是那海岸还迷雾缠绕。
Executives at Norway's National Broadcasting Service are now considering broadcasting a night of knitting nationwide.  挪威国家广播服务的高管们,现在正在考虑播放一档举国编织之夜的节目。
On the surface, it sounds boring,  乍一看,这节目无聊透了,
because it is,  因为它就是这么无聊,
but something about this TV experiment has gripped Norwegians.  不过这个节目就是有吸睛的效果。
So we sent the Listening Post's Marcela Pizarro to Oslo  我们于是派了监听站节目组的Marcela Pizarro去奥斯陆去一探究竟。
to find out what it is, but first a warning:  但是!不要说我没提醒你:
Viewers may find some of the images in the following report disappointing.  以下的节目画面会让某些观众些许不适,因为太无聊了
Thomas Hellum: And then follows an eight-minute story on Al Jazeera about some strange TV programs in little Norway. 后面是Al Jazeera带来的这一奇葩节目的八分钟报导,
Al Jazeera. CNN. How did we get there?  CNN的Al Jazeera。这一报导的由来是什么?
We have to go back to 2009,  那是2009年的时候,
when one of my colleagues got a great idea.  我们一同事想了个好点子。
Where do you get your ideas?  在哪想出来的?
In the lunchroom.  午餐室里想出来的。
So he said, why don't we make a radio program marking the day of the German invasion of Norway in 1940.  这位同事说,我们干嘛不做一档纪念1940年德国入侵挪威那一天的节目,
We tell the story at the exact time during the night.  讲一讲那一晚在那个时间点发生的事情。
Wow. Brilliant idea, except this was just a couple of weeks before the invasion day.  点子很赞,只不过离那个纪念日就那么几个礼拜了。
So we sat in our lunchroom and discussed what other stories can you tell as they evolve?  于是我们几个坐在那午餐时就讨论起来有什么故事可以用来讲述其经过?
What other things take a really long time?  还有什么其他事情也历时良久?
So one of us came up with a train.  有人提出了火车这个想法。
The Bergen Railway had its 100-year anniversary that year. 那一年卑尔根火车线路正好100年周年庆,
It goes from western Norway to eastern Norway,  这条线路从西向东穿过挪威,
and it takes exactly the same time as it did 40 years ago,  行程跟40年前一样,没变过,
over seven hours.  也就7个多小时。
So we caught our commissioning editors in Oslo, and we said,  我们当时就找了奥斯陆的策划编辑,
we want to make a documentary about the Bergen Railway,  告诉他们我们想要做有关卑尔根线路的,
and we want to make it in full length,  全程纪录片。
and the answer was,  他们回复,
Yes, but how long will the program be?  可以啊,不过这节目要多长啊?
Oh, we said, full length.  火车全程那么长。
Yes, but we mean the program.  额,我们是问这个节目它本身要多长。
And back and forth4.  就这么来回商讨。
Luckily for us, they met us with laughter, very, very good laughter,  幸运的是,他们非常愉快地答应了我们。
so one bright day in September,  接下来就是九月的时候那个明媚一天,
we started a program that we thought should be seven hours and four minutes.  我们开始制作这个为时7个小时4分钟的电视节目,
Actually, it turned out to be seven hours and 14 minutes due to a signal failure at the last station.  结果其实是7个小时14分钟,因为最后那一站的时候信号出了问题。
We had four cameras,  我们设了4个摄像机,
three of them pointing out to the beautiful nature.  有3个对着美丽的大自然进行拍摄。
Some talking to the guests, some information.  穿插一些嘉宾访谈,一些资料补充。
We will arrive at Haugast??l Station.  下一站Haugastl。
And that's about it,  基本上就是这样。
but of course, also  当然还有,
the 160 tunnels gave us the opportunity to do some archives.  在穿越那160个隧道的时候, 我们穿插了一些历史纪录片:
Then a bit of flirting5 while the food is digested.  酒足饭饱了就来些情调吧。
The last downhill stretch before we reach our destination.  旅程结束之前的最后一段下坡路。
We pass Mjlfjell Station.  我们经过了一站。
Then a new tunnel.  接下去又是一段隧道。
And now we thought, yes, we have a brilliant program.  然后呢,我们就觉着我们做了一个超赞的节目,
It will fit for the 2,000 train spotters in Norway.  会非常迎合挪威的2000多名铁路迷。



1 relatively bkqzS3     
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
2 coverage nvwz7v     
  • There's little coverage of foreign news in the newspaper.报纸上几乎没有国外新闻报道。
  • This is an insurance policy with extensive coverage.这是一项承保范围广泛的保险。
3 decided lvqzZd     
  • This gave them a decided advantage over their opponents.这使他们比对手具有明显的优势。
  • There is a decided difference between British and Chinese way of greeting.英国人和中国人打招呼的方式有很明显的区别。
4 forth Hzdz2     
  • The wind moved the trees gently back and forth.风吹得树轻轻地来回摇晃。
  • He gave forth a series of works in rapid succession.他很快连续发表了一系列的作品。
5 flirting 59b9eafa5141c6045fb029234a60fdae     
v.调情,打情骂俏( flirt的现在分词 )
  • Don't take her too seriously; she's only flirting with you. 别把她太当真,她只不过是在和你调情罢了。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
  • 'she's always flirting with that new fellow Tseng!" “她还同新来厂里那个姓曾的吊膀子! 来自子夜部分

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