

时间:2018-10-15 02:04:56



 They published the data,  他们发布了这些数据,

and it actually transformed clinical practice in the country.  而这一举动改变了整个国家的临床实践。
Everybody saw this makes a lot of sense.  大家都发现这样做很有意义。
Since then, they publish every year.  从此以后,他们每年都做数据发布。
Once a year, they publish the league table:  每年发布一次积分榜。
who's best, who's at the bottom?  谁拔头筹,谁垫底,
And they visit each other to try to learn,  他们还通过访问来相互学习,
so a continuous1 cycle of improvement2.  进入了一个不断进步的循环。
For many years, Swedish hip3 surgeons had the best results in the world, 多年来, 瑞士的髋关节置换手术的治疗效果问鼎全球,
at least for those who actually were measuring,  至少对那些有真正参与评估的医生来说,
and many were not.  不过也有人没有这么做。
Now I found this principle really exciting.  我发现这一实践非常振奋人心。
So the physicians get together,  即医生们聚到一起,
they agree on what quality is,  共同决定什么是高质量,
they start measuring, they share the data,  他们开始量收集并共享数据,
they find who's best, and they learn from it.  他们发现哪个方法最好,然后加以学习。
Continuous improvement.  不断改进。
Now, that's not the only exciting part.  这还不是仅有的振奋人心的地方。
That's exciting in itself.  当然这本身已经令人振奋。
But if you bring back the cost side of the equation,  但是,如果把成本放回到我们的公式里,
and look at that,  然后观察它,
it turns out, those who have focused on quality,  你会发现那些重视质量的(医院),
they actually also have the lowest costs,  恰恰在花销上是最少的。
although that's not been the purpose in the first place.  虽然这并不是当初刻意设计的。
So if you look at the hip surgery4 story again,  如果回头再看髋关节手术的故事,
there was a study done a couple years ago where they compared the U.S. and Sweden. 几年以前,他们做了一个研究拿美国和瑞士做了比较。
They looked at how many patients have needed to be re-operated on seven years after the first surgery. 他们调查了在第一次手术后7年内需要再手术的病人的数量。
In the United States, the number was three times higher than in Sweden. 在美国,这个数字比瑞士高出三倍。
So many unnecessary surgeries,  太多不必要的手术,
and so much unnecessary suffering for all the patients who were operated on in that seven year period. 给这些七年内再次接受手术的病人带来了太多不必要的痛苦。
Now, you can imagine how much savings5 there would be for society. 现在你可以想象换种方法能给社会节省多少开支。
We did a study where we looked at OECD data.  我们根据OECD数据做了一个研究。
OECD does, every so often,  偶尔,OECD(经济合作与发展组织)会根据
look at quality of care where they can find the data across the member countries.  他们可以找到的会员国家的数据来调查医疗护理的质量。



1 continuous jYHzi     
  • She finally got in after 10 years'continuous effort.坚持不懈地努力了十年后,她终于当选了。
  • We must be continuous to study.我们必须不断学习。
2 improvement 39vxg     
  • The doctor noticed a gradual improvement in his patient.医生注意到病人在逐渐恢复健康。
  • I can detect signs of improvement in your thinking.我可以察觉出你思考问题方面的进步。
3 hip 1dOxX     
  • The thigh bone is connected to the hip bone.股骨连着髋骨。
  • The new coats blouse gracefully above the hip line.新外套在臀围线上优美地打着褶皱。
4 surgery IH8z9     
  • What time does surgery finish?门诊什么时间结束?
  • Your condition is serious and requires surgery.你的情况很严重,需要动外科手术。
5 savings ZjbzGu     
  • I can't afford the vacation,for it would eat up my savings.我度不起假,那样会把我的积蓄用光的。
  • By this time he had used up all his savings.到这时,他的存款已全部用完。

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