经济学人:加密货币 新兴货币(2)
时间:2018-12-03 04:35:28
Even before worries surfaced that the currency could split in two over the disagreement, 甚至在货币可能分裂成两种的担忧显露出来之前,
holders1 started to
diversify2 into some of the many other crypto-currencies, or “alt. coins”, to emerge in recent years. 比特币持有者就已经开始多元化到其他的加密货币,或者近年来出现的“山寨币”。
CoinMarketCap, a website, lists more than 800, from ArcticCoin, an obscure Russian currency, to ZCoin, which boasts added privacy. CoinMarketCap这个网站列出了超过800种货币,从ArcticCoin—一个不起眼的俄罗斯货币,到自称拓宽隐私的Zcoin。
The latest beneficiary is
Ripple3, which saw its market value explode from $2bn early this month to over $13bn. 最新的受益人是Ripple,它见证了其市场价值由本月早期的20亿美元,骤增至超过130亿美元。
Ethereum, which issues “ether”, has jumped from $700m in January to $8.6bn. 以太坊,一个发行以太币的平台,已从一月的7亿美元跃升至86亿美元。
Ethereum's surge in turn helped
inflate4 another bubble. 以太坊的激增反过来助长另一个泡沫。
Feeling richer, holders of ether started investing in what have come to be called initial coin offerings. 这种感觉更深,以太的持有人初始投资被称为ICO(ICO也是一种'公开发行',只是把所发行的标的物由证券变成了数字加密货币)。
Startups sell “tokens”, sub-currencies of sorts, which exist on top of Ethereum. 初创公司出售“代币”,各种各样的子货币存在于以太坊内。
A total of 38 such ICOs have already been launched this year, raising more than $150m, according to Smith+Crown, a research firm. 通过一家研究公司Smith+Crown得知,今年共推出了38个这样的ICO,募集资金超过1.5亿美元。
This has
lured5 even more money into crypto-currencies. 这诱使更多的资金涌入加密货币行列中。
Some of the gains have found their way back into bitcoin and alt.coins. 部分获益已经以其自己的方式回到比特币和山寨币。
Trading between crypto-currencies has grown tenfold to $2bn on average a day, says Erik Voorhees, the
founder6 of ShapeShift, a crypto-to-crypto exchange. ShapeShift(一家进行加密密码交换的公司)的创始人Erik Voorhees指出,虚拟货币的交易平均每天增长10倍,达到20亿美元。
The question is not if but when the market will turn. 问题不在于市场何时会转向。
Even crypto-aficionados may run for the exits should bitcoin
bifurcate7 or if one of the ICOs, which are completely unregulated, goes badly wrong—if issuers, for example,
abscond8 with the money. 即便加密者可能因为比特币分叉而退出,又或者如果一个完全不受监管的ICOs系统出现严重错误,比如发行方携款潜逃。
Prices will also suffer should regulators start clamping down on such offerings. 如果监管机构开始取缔这些产品,价格也将受到冲击。
On the other hand, although it is now easy to buy crypto-currencies for real cash, selling big amounts can be hard—as the
woes9 of Bitfinex and others show. 另一方面,根据Bitfinex和其他方面显示,尽管现在很容易用真实货币购买加密货币,出售大量加密货币是困难的。
This makes sudden outflows unlikely. 这使得突然流出不太可能。
And the price surges have shown how the crypto-currency system is no longer just about bitcoin. 而价格飙升已经显示了加密货币系统不再只是关于比特币。
Although it is still the biggest kid on the blockchain and functions, in effect, as a crypto-reserve currency, it now makes up under half the combined market capitalisation of all crypto-currencies. 它是一个算法上的最大欺骗。实际上,作为一个加密的储备货币,现在总市值的一半被加密。
Come a crash, they may not all fall. 即使崩溃,它们也可能不会完全下降。