时间:2018-12-17 05:28:00
Michelle Williams' Secret Marriage 米歇尔·威廉姆斯的秘密婚姻
She's notoriously shy when it comes to talking about her personal life, but Michelle Williams just shared one big happy secret. 说起自己的私生活,米歇尔·威廉姆斯(Michelle Williams)是出了名的害羞,但她分享了一个快乐的大秘密。
In the latest Vanity Fair cover story the actress, 37, revealed that she just got married. 在最新一期的《名利场》封面故事中,这位37岁的女演员透露自己刚刚结婚。
Her husband? Indie musician Phil Elverum, 40, who lost his wife, Geneviève Castrée, to cancer in 2016, just 18 months after welcoming their only child, a daughter, now 3. 她的丈夫是谁?2016年,40岁独立音乐人菲尔·埃尔维勒姆(Phil Elverum)的妻子吉纳维芙·卡斯特里(Genevieve Castree)因癌症去世。18个月前,他刚刚迎来了他们唯一的孩子,一个女儿,现在已经3岁。
It's the first marriage for Williams, who has been a single mom to daughter Matilda, 12, since her former boyfriend Heath
Ledger1 died of an accidental drug overdose in 2008. 这是威廉姆斯的第一次婚姻,自从她的前男友希斯·莱杰在2008年因药物过量意外去世后,她就一直与12岁女儿玛蒂尔达一起生活。
"Michelle and Phil had an early spiritual connection that she has not experienced since Heath," says a source. “米歇尔和菲尔早有精神联系,这是希思之后她从未经历过的,”一位知情人士说。
"They share some of life's most trying moments with deaths of loved ones and have related on many levels." “爱人死亡,他们都面对着生命中最艰难的时刻,在很多层面上产生共鸣。”
Wed2 in a ceremony in the Adirondacks with only a few friends and their daughters present, the couple, who met through a
mutual3 friend, now live with their kids at Williams's home in Brooklyn. 这对夫妇是通过共同的朋友认识的,他们的结婚典礼在阿迪朗达克山脉举行,只有几位朋友和女儿们参加,现在他们和孩子们住在布鲁克林的威廉姆斯家。
"Ultimately the way he loves me is the way I want to live my life on the whole," the actress told Vanity Fair. "I am finally loved by someone who makes me feel free." 这位女演员在接受《名利场》采访时说:“总而言之,他爱我的方式就是我想要的生活方式。”“我终于被一个让我感觉舒服的人爱着了。”
Since Ledger's death, Williams has had several serious relationships, including with director
Spike4 Jonze, actor Jason Segel and author Jonathan Safran Foer. 莱杰死后,威廉姆斯与导演斯派克·琼斯、演员杰森·塞格尔和作家乔纳森·赛弗兰·福尔有过几次认真的恋情。
She was most recently
spotted5 last year with New York financial
consultant6 Andrew Youmans—and hadn't even been photographed in public with Elverum (who performs as Mount Eerie) before the surprise wedding news. 去年,她与纽约金融顾问安德鲁·尤曼(Andrew youman)在一起时被拍到,而甚至在婚礼消息公布之前,她还没有被拍到在公共场合与埃尔维勒姆(曾出演怪诞山)同行。
As for her willingness to be open now, Williams is hopeful her experience might inspire others. 现在她愿意公开,威廉姆斯希望她的经历能激励其他人。
"I don't really want to talk about any of it," she said. "But what if this helps somebody? “我真的不想谈这些,”她说。“但如果这对别人有帮助呢?”
What if somebody who has always journeyed in this way, who has struggled as much as I struggled, and looked as much as I looked, finds something that helps them? 如果一个人总是以这种方式前行,和我一样痛苦挣扎,和我一样形容憔悴,终于找到了能帮助他们的东西,那会怎么样?
Don't settle. Don't settle for something that feels like a prison, or is hard, or hurts you. If it doesn't feel like love, it's not love." 不要停。不要满足于感觉像监狱一样的东西,或艰难的东西,或伤害你的东西。如果感觉不像爱,那就不是爱。