时间:2018-12-17 05:28:33
Mark Wahlberg: Faith, Family and My Journey 马克·沃尔伯格:信仰,家庭和我的人生路
Now starring in Mile 22, the actor talks about life as a dad of 4 and how he bacame a better man. 《22英里》的主演讲述了作为4个孩子的父亲的生活,以及他如何成为一个更好的人。
Over 25 years in movies, Mark Wahlberg has
tangled1 with terrorists,
gangsters2 and apes. 在过去25年的电影里,马克·沃尔伯格与恐怖分子、黑帮和猿类纠缠在一起。
But nothing compares to the challenges of parenting a teenager. "It's tough!" he says of being a dad to daughter Ella, 15. 但没有什么能与养育青少年的挑战相比。“这很艰难!”提到教育他15岁的女儿艾拉时,他这样说。
"People say that they pass through the teen years, and they come back to you. “人们说他们经过了青少年时期,就又回到你身边。
Right now it's a lot of, 'You're the worst, you ruin everything!' But also, that's my baby." 现在有很多人会说,'你是最差的,你毁了一切!'不过,那是我的孩子。”
Aside from weathering teen angst, life is good for Wahlberg, 47, who also has kids Michael, 12, Brendan, 9, and Grace, 8, with his wife, Rhea Durham, 40. 除了这个让人操心的青春期女儿,47岁的沃尔伯格生活还算不错:有12岁的迈克尔(Michael)、9岁的布伦丹(Brendan)和8岁的格雷斯(Grace),还有40岁的妻子瑞亚·达勒姆(Rhea Durham)。
He's starring in the new action
thriller3 Mile 22, about an
elite4 CIA
squad5; owns the Wahlburgers restaurant
franchise6 with his brothers Donnie and Paul; and just bought a Chevrolet
dealership7 in Columbus, Ohio. 他主演了一部新的动作惊悚片《22英里》,讲述的是CIA精英小队的故事;与他的兄弟唐尼和保罗共同拥有沃尔伯格餐厅特许经营权;刚刚拿到了俄亥俄州哥伦布市的雪佛兰汽车代理权。
He's gone from teenage criminal to rapper Marky Mark to one of Hollywood's highest-paid actors, and he
resolutely8 credits his family, hard work and his deep Catholic faith for his
transformation9. 他从少年罪犯变成了饶舌歌手马克·马克,成为好莱坞片酬最高的演员之一。他坚定地将自己的转变归功于自己的家庭、辛勤工作和虔诚的天主教信仰。
"I had always hoped to have a successful career—that was the plan," he says. "But you can never really forecast this kind of success." “我一直希望事业成功——这就是我的计划,”他说。“但你永远无法真正预测这种成功。”
The youngest of nine children, Wahlberg was born in Boston to mom Alma, a bank clerk and nursing assistant, and dad Donald, a delivery driver. 沃尔伯格是九个孩子中最小的一个,出生在波士顿,她的母亲阿尔玛(Alma)是银行职员兼护士助理,父亲唐纳德(Donald)是送货司机。
His early years were troubled ones: He abused drugs, dropped out of high school and pleaded guilty to assault at age 16. 他早年的生活很糟糕:他吸毒,高中辍学,并在16岁时犯罪。
Wahlberg readily brings up his past and how far he's come. 沃尔伯格欣然提起他的过去以及他的进步。
"I think about where I was when I left school, an then when I got into trouble, and where I am today," he says. 他说:“我想到离开学校时的自己,遇到麻烦时的自己,以及今天的自己。”
"I don't believe in winning the
lottery10 but in making things happen through hard work. Faith and family are the most important thing." 他说:“我不相信中彩票,我相信通过努力工作来实现目标。信仰和家庭是最重要的。”
Wahlberg says his "beautiful" 18-year relationship with Rhea (they
wed11 in 2009) and time with their busy kids help keep him grounded. 沃尔伯格说,他与瑞亚(两人于2009年结婚)18年“美好”的恋爱,以及与孩子们的相处,让他得以脚踏实地。
"The kids are good, getting ready to go back to school," he says, and they're sports
fanatics12, like their parents. “孩子们都很好,正准备重返校园,”他说,他们和父母一样都是体育狂热分子。
Michael plays football, and Grace "is very into horses and lots of stuff that keeps her focused and hopefully away from boys until she's 30," Wahlberg jokes. 迈克尔踢足球,格雷斯“非常喜欢马和很多东西,这让她保持专注,希望在30岁之前能远离男孩,”沃尔伯格开玩笑说。
As for his own aging, "it's inevitable," he says. "I'm just trying to do all the things I can. Eat right and exercise and feel as good as possible." 至于他自己的衰老,“这是不可避免的,”他说。“我只是尽我所能。吃得好,锻炼身体,感觉不错。”
He hits the gym at 4 a.m.—but even before that, he reads his prayer book. 他凌晨4点去健身房。但在那之前,他会读祈祷书。
"For me, faith has been the glue for everything,"he says."It's allowed me to deal with failure, success, loss, all those things. It helps me keep everything in perspective." “对我来说,信仰是一切的粘合剂,”他说。“它让我能够处理失败、成功、失去,所有这些事情。它帮助我正确看待一切。”