时间:2018-12-17 05:42:06
The Fight to Save Demi Lovato 拯救黛米·洛瓦托
Young, gifted and
drawn1 to darkness, she's sung of
addiction2 and
anguish3 with startling rawness. Now, a shocking overdose has loved ones praying she finds healing before it's too late. 她风华正茂、才华横溢、却陷入黑暗,她以惊人的稚嫩歌颂癖嗜与痛苦。现在,一次令人震惊的过量服药之后,她的亲人祈祷她能及时被治愈。
As she neared the end of her set on July 22 at the California Mid-State Fair in Paso Robles, Demi Lovato was solemn. 7月22日,帕索·罗伯斯(Paso Robles)的加州中部博览会(California Mid-State Fair)上,黛米·洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)的演出接近尾声时,她的表情很严肃。
Belting out her latest single, "Sober"—a heart-wrenching
ballad4 she released last month that revealed she had relapsed after six years of sobriety—the singer
faltered5 and brushed back her hair as she scanned the crowd. 她唱着她的最新单曲《冷静》,这首令人心碎的民谣于上个月发布,透露出她在冷静了六年之后旧病复发了。她扫视人群,摇摇晃晃地把头发往后梳。
"F---, I forgot the words," she said as fans screamed encouragement. "We all laughed because she laughed too," says concertgoer Fernanda Martinez. “F--- --- ---我忘了那句话,”她说,粉丝们尖叫着鼓励她。“我们都笑了,因为她也笑了。”一位演出观众费尔南达·马丁内斯说。
"The words she left out that night were 'I'm sorry that I'm here again. I promise I'll get help.' “那天晚上她漏掉了一句话:‘很抱歉我又来了。我保证会得到帮助。’
A few of us
pointed6 that out, but we said we were probably overthinking it." 我们中的一些人指出了这一点,但我们说,我们可能想得太多了。
They weren't. Less than 48 hours later, just before 11:30 a.m. on July 24, paramedics rushed to Lovato's home in the Hollywood Hills and revived the unconscious singer with Narcan, an emergency medication administered in opioid overdoses. 其实他们没有。不到48小时后,7月24日上午近11点30分,医护人员赶到洛瓦托位于好莱坞山的家中,用纳洛酮(一种用于阿片类中毒的急救药物)救活了这位失去知觉的歌手。
Multiple sources close to the 25-year-old entertainer—who partied with friends at West Hollywood's Saddle
Ranch7 Chop House to celebrate the birthday of backup dancer Dani Vitale the night before—deny a report she took
heroin8. 许多与这位25岁的艺人关系密切的消息人士否认了她吸食海洛因的报道。前一天晚上,这位艺人和朋友们在西好莱坞的Saddle Ranch Chop House聚会,庆祝伴舞丹尼·维塔利的生日。
But Lovato was reportedly uncooperative when questioned by cops about the drugs she ingested. 但据报道,警察询问洛瓦托她服用的药物时她并不配合。
At press time she remained at L.A.'s Cedars-Sinai hospital,
dealing9 with the complications related to her overdose. 截止发稿时,她仍留在洛杉矶西达斯西奈医院,治疗过量用药引起的并发症。
Those who know Lovato best say that while the incident shocked her legions of fans, it was sadly not surprising. 那些最了解洛瓦托的人说,虽然这件事震惊了她的大批粉丝,但令人悲伤的是,这并不令人意外。
Says a source familiar with her problems: "This is absolutely what so many people feared would happen." 一位熟悉她问题的消息人士表示:“这是许多人担心会发生的事情。”
Almost from the start Lovato has been nearly as famous for her troubles as she has been for her formidable voice. 从一开始,洛瓦托的问题,与她那令人震撼的嗓音一样,让她十分出名。
The star's mother, former Dallas Cowboys cheerleader Dianna De La Garza, 56, left Lovato's father when she was a toddler after the marriage became violent. 这位明星的母亲现年56岁,是达拉斯牛仔队前啦啦队队长黛安娜·德·加尔萨 ,在婚姻出现暴力后离开了洛瓦托的父亲,当时洛瓦托还是个蹒跚学步的婴儿。
Patrick Lovato died at age 54 in 2013 from cancer. 帕特里克·洛瓦托(Patrick Lovato)于2013年因癌症去世,享年54岁。
"I was very conflicted when he passed, because he was abusive," Lovato said in 2015. 洛瓦托在2015年说:“当他去世的时候,我很矛盾,因为他虐待我。”
Still she felt a kinship to him because of his own struggles with mental illness and addiction. 然而,由于他与精神疾病和癖嗜作斗争,她对他还是有一种亲切感。
"He was mean, but he wanted to be a good person," she said. "He wanted to have his family." “他很卑鄙,但他想成为一个好人,”她说。“他想要自己的家庭。”