

时间:2018-12-17 05:44:27



 Did she kill her 9 kids? 她杀了自己的9个孩子吗?

One of the nation's most notorious murderous mothers, Marybeth Tinning prepares to walk out of prison after 3 decades 作为美国最出名的杀人狂妈妈之一,玛丽贝丝·廷宁将在服刑30年后出狱
Cynthia Walter was asleep in her Schenectady, N.Y., apartment when her phone started ringing shortly after 1 a.m. on Dec. 20, 1985. 1985年12月20日凌晨1点刚过,辛西娅·沃尔特在纽约州斯克内克塔迪的公寓中睡觉,这时她的电话响了起来。
Her next-door neighbor Marybeth Tinning was calling. 她的邻居玛丽贝丝·廷宁打来电话。
"She sounded very panicky," Walter later recalled, "and said, 'Cynthia, get over here right away.'" “她听起来很惊慌,”沃尔特后来回忆说,“然后说,‘辛西娅,马上过来’”。
Walter, a licensed1 nurse, rushed over to the Tinnings' second-floor apartment, where she found the couple's 4-month-old daughter Tami Lynne lying on a changing table "purple and not breathing." 沃尔特是一名有执照的护士,她冲到廷宁夫妇位于二楼的公寓,看到夫妇俩四个月大的女儿塔米·琳恩(Tami Lynne)躺在换尿布的桌子上,“浑身青紫,没有呼吸”。
By the time paramedics arrived, the infant was pronounced dead— despite Walter's attempts to revive her with CPR. 当医护人员赶到时,婴儿被宣布死亡——尽管沃尔特试图用心肺复苏术抢救她。
But what at first appeared to be a heartbreaking tragedy turned out to be a cold-blooded killing2. 但一开始看起来令人心碎的悲剧最后被证明是一场冷血的谋杀。
Two months after Tami Lynne's death, Tinning allegedly confessed to New York State police that she'd smothered3 the baby with a pillow when she wouldn't stop crying. 在塔米·琳恩去世两个月后,廷宁向纽约州警方供认,孩子哭个不停,她用枕头闷死了它。
Even more chilling was the fact that Tami Lynne was the ninth of the Tinning children to mysteriously die before their fifth birthday. 更让人不寒而栗的是,塔米·琳恩(Tami Lynne)是廷宁第九个在五岁生日前神秘死去的孩子。
In 1987 Tinning was convicted of killing Tami Lynne and sentenced to 20 years to life in prison. 1987年,廷宁因杀害塔米·琳恩被判20年监禁。
Now, 31 years later, Tinning, 75— whom authorities say killed her babies because she enjoyed the attention she received when a child died (an extreme type of Munchausen syndrome4 by proxy)—has been granted parole. 31年后的今天,75岁的廷宁获得假释。当局说,她之所以杀死自己的孩子,是因为她喜欢自己在孩子死后受到的关注(孟乔森综合症的一种极端类型)。
She is expected to be released as early as Aug. 21 and plans to return to her rural New York home to live with her husband, Joe, whom she allegedly confessed to poisoning in 1974 with phenobarbital— 预计她将在8月21日获释,并计划重返纽约乡村的家与她的丈夫乔生活,1974年她承认用苯巴比妥给丈夫下毒,
she reportedly got pills from a friend with epilepsy and slipped them into his grape juice. 据报道她从一个患有癫痫的朋友那里获得药物偷偷放进他的葡萄汁。
The decision to set her free has left many familiar with her case outraged5. 释放她的决定让许多熟悉她案件的人感到愤怒。
"There are some crimes so heinous6 that it should be life imprisonment," says New York State senator Jim Tedisco. 纽约州参议员吉姆·泰迪斯科(Jim Tedisco)表示:“有些罪行极其令人发指,应该判终身监禁。”
"It's ridiculous to let somebody out that has done that to children." “这样对孩子做了那样的事的人,还让她出狱!真荒谬。”



1 licensed ipMzNI     
  • The new drug has not yet been licensed in the US. 这种新药尚未在美国获得许可。
  • Is that gun licensed? 那支枪有持枪执照吗?
2 killing kpBziQ     
  • Investors are set to make a killing from the sell-off.投资者准备清仓以便大赚一笔。
  • Last week my brother made a killing on Wall Street.上个周我兄弟在华尔街赚了一大笔。
3 smothered b9bebf478c8f7045d977e80734a8ed1d     
(使)窒息, (使)透不过气( smother的过去式和过去分词 ); 覆盖; 忍住; 抑制
  • He smothered the baby with a pillow. 他用枕头把婴儿闷死了。
  • The fire is smothered by ashes. 火被灰闷熄了。
4 syndrome uqBwu     
  • The Institute says that an unidentified virus is to blame for the syndrome. 该研究所表示,引起这种综合症的是一种尚未确认的病毒。
  • Results indicated that 11 fetuses had Down syndrome. 结果表明有11个胎儿患有唐氏综合征。
5 outraged VmHz8n     
  • Members of Parliament were outraged by the news of the assassination. 议会议员们被这暗杀的消息激怒了。
  • He was outraged by their behavior. 他们的行为使他感到愤慨。
6 heinous 6QrzC     
  • They admitted to the most heinous crimes.他们承认了极其恶劣的罪行。
  • I do not want to meet that heinous person.我不想见那个十恶不赦的人。

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