时间:2018-12-17 05:54:01
Surviving Cancer — Twice 两次战胜癌症
After overcoming ovarian and breast cancer, the actress opens up about getting healthy, returning to work and the health challenge she still faces 在克服了卵巢癌和乳腺癌之后,这位女演员开始谈论如何恢复健康、重返工作岗位以及她仍然面临的健康挑战
In 2003, during a vacation in the South of France, Kathy Bates was feeling
exhausted1 but chalked it up to a major heat wave
sweeping2 the country. 2003年,在法国南部度假时,凯西·贝茨感到筋疲力尽,但她以为这是由于席卷全国的热浪。
"I thought, 'Well it's the heat, I'm tired, whatever,'" says the
Misery3 Oscar winner, now 70. “我想,‘好吧,天气太热了,我累了,管它呢,’”她说。她今年70岁,凭《危情十日》获得奥斯卡奖。
But when she got home, a trip to the doctor revealed she had a mass on her right ovary: Bates, then 55, had stage 1 ovarian cancer. 但当她回到家,去看医生的时候发现她的右卵巢有肿块:贝茨,当时55岁,患有第一阶段卵巢癌。
She immediately had surgery, followed by nine months of chemotherapy to treat it, but didn't reveal her illness to the public. 她立即进行了手术,随后进行了9个月的化疗来治疗,但并没有向公众透露她的病情。
"I didn't tell anybody," she says. "I continued to work right after the operation, doing Little Black Book with Brittany Murphy. “我没有告诉任何人,”她说。“手术结束后,我继续工作,和布里塔妮·墨菲(Brittany Murphy)合作《爱情黑名单》(Little Black Book)。
My agent at the time was very old-school and didn't want me to be the poster child for ovarian cancer. 当时我的经纪人非常守旧,不想让我成为卵巢癌的典型代表。
I didn't want anyone to know, but it really took a lot out of me." 我不想让任何人知道,但我真的为此付出了很多。”
It wasn't the only time Bates would face down cancer—and now she's open about sharing her journey. 这并不是贝茨唯一一次面对癌症,现在她公开了自己的经历。
On Sept. 7 she'll join Reese Witherspoon, Matthew McConaughey and Jennifer
Garner4 for the
biennial5 fund raising special Stand Up to Cancer (airing
simultaneously6 on CBS, NBC, ABC and Fox and streaming on People TV at 8 p.m. ET/PT). 9月7日,她将与瑞茜·威瑟斯彭(Reese Witherspoon)、马修·麦康纳(Matthew McConaughey)和詹妮弗·加纳(Jennifer Garner)一起参加两年一度的“直面癌症”(Stand Up to Cancer)筹款活动(CBS、NBC、ABC和Fox同时播出,东/西部时间晚上8点在人物频道播出)。
In 2012 the Memphis native—who got her start in theater and went on to star in films such as Dolores Claiborne, Fried Green Tomatoes and Titanic— was once again hit with extreme
exhaustion7 and returned to her doctor for an MRI. 这位孟菲斯人从剧院起步,后来出演了《热泪伤痕》(Dolores Claiborne)、《油炸绿番茄》(Fried Green Tomatoes)和《泰坦尼克号》(Titanic)等电影——2012年她又一次精疲力竭地回到医生身边,接受了核磁共振检查。
She was diagnosed with breast cancer and
decided8 to have a double mastectomy because of her family history with cancer. 她被诊断出患有乳腺癌,由于家族癌症病史,她决定接受双乳房切除术。
"My aunt had died from it, my mother had it, my niece had it," she says. 她说:“我的姨母死于该病,我的母亲得了该病,我的外甥女也得了该病。”
She tested negative for the BRCA1 and BRCA2
gene9 mutation10 that increases a woman's risk of breast and ovarian cancer. 她的BRCA1和BRCA2基因突变检测呈阴性,而这种基因突变会增加女性患乳腺癌和卵巢癌的风险。
A negative BRCA result is "not a get out of jail free card," she says. 她说,BRCA的阴性结果“并不是一张免费出狱卡”。