时间:2018-12-17 06:22:06
Barbara Bush's dream wedding 芭芭拉·布什的梦中婚礼
After George H.W. Bush lost the love of his life, his wife, Barbara, in April, his granddaughter Barbara Pierce Bush knew just what to do. 今年4月,老布什失去了他一生的挚爱——他的妻子芭芭拉。他的孙女芭芭拉·皮尔斯·布什终于知道该做些什么了。
She cleared her calendar,
enlisted1 the new love of her life, screenwriter Craig Coyne, and took up temporary residence in the family's Kennebunkport, Maine, home, so that the 94-year-old former President wouldn't be alone. 她清理了自己的日程表,找到了新的爱情——编剧克雷格·科因(Craig Coyne),并在缅因州肯纳邦克波特(Kennebunkport)的家中暂住,这样这位94岁的前总统就不会孤单了。
"It was just us three—quiet and beautiful," Barbara says. 芭芭拉说:“只有我们三个人——安静而美丽。”
"I would read to him. While he napped, Craig and I would go on walks, then dress my grandfather up and take him out for martinis and
oysters2." “我会给他读书。他午睡的时候,克雷格和我出去散步,然后给祖父穿好衣服,带他出去喝马提尼酒,吃牡蛎。”
Craig, an Atlanta native who met the former First Daughter on a blind date just last November, also secretly did a little research. 克雷格是土生土长的亚特兰大人,去年11月,他在一次相亲中遇到了前第一女儿,也偷偷做了一点调查。
On a return visit Aug. 25, he surprised Barbara by dropping to one knee at the exact spot—on oceanside rocks behind the home— where her grandfather proposed to an 18-year-old Barbara Pierce 75 years earlier. 在8月25日的又一次见面时,他单膝跪在她家后面的海边岩石上,让芭芭拉大吃一惊。75年前,芭芭拉的祖父就是在这里向18岁的芭芭拉·皮尔斯求婚的。
Says her name-sake: "I didn't know Craig had found out the history. Of course, I cried—and our cousins were spying from the windows taking pictures." 她提到了自己的名字:“我不知道克雷格发现了这段历史。当然,我哭了——我们的堂兄弟姐妹从窗户里偷拍照片。”
The couple, whose 11-month romance was known only to family and close friends, exchanged wedding
vows3 on that spot on Oct. 7 in a backyard ceremony witnessed by 20 close family members. 这对情侣的爱情只有家人和密友知道,10月7日,这对情侣在后院举行了婚礼,有20名亲密的家庭成员见证了他们的婚礼。
After a first dance to Sam Cooke's "Wonderful World" in a living room cleared of furniture for the occasion, all 20 fit around a single table for a homey feast of Maine
lobster4 and corn on the cob. 在特地搬空了家具的客厅里,20位亲友伴着山姆·库克(Sam Cooke)的《奇妙世界》跳了一支舞后,聚在一张桌子周围,开始享用缅因州龙虾和玉米棒的可口盛宴。
"A big party was not our vibe," Barbara, 36, tells People. 36岁的芭芭拉告诉《人物》杂志:“大型派对不是我们的风格。”
"It was more important to get married somewhere that we love and where we have loved each other—and where my grandfather could be with us while he's feeling good still." “更重要的是在我们爱的地方结婚,在我们彼此相爱的地方结婚,在我祖父身体还不错的时候,在他能和我们在一起的地方结婚。”
Barbara's twin and matron of honor, Today correspondent Jenna Bush Hager, described it on-air as "a very secret wedding, a little bit like my
elusive5 sister." 芭芭拉的双胞胎姐妹兼伴娘、《今日》杂志记者詹娜·布什·哈格在节目中说:“这是一场非常秘密的婚礼,有点像我那捉摸不定的妹妹。”
The vastly more private of Laura and George W. Bush's two daughters, Barbara is board chair of the Global Health
Corps6 nonprofit she cofounded in 2008. 芭芭拉是劳拉·布什和乔治·W·布什(George W. Bush)两个女儿中较为低调的一个,她于2008年与人共同创立了全球卫生组织(Global Health Corps),是该组织的董事会主席。
Craig, 36, who moved from Los Angeles to Barbara's Manhattan home just days before the wedding, shares the soulful side she also has in common with her father. 36岁的克雷格在婚礼前几天从洛杉矶搬到了芭芭拉在曼哈顿的家中,她和父亲灵魂中的共同点,他也有。
"When Craig asked for my hand in marriage," Barbara says, "he and Dad talked for 45 minutes about spirituality, children and bigger-picture life things." “当克雷格向我求婚时,”芭芭拉说,“他和爸爸谈了45分钟关于灵性、孩子和更大的生活图景的事情。”
In his wedding toast, George W., a
prolific7 painter in his postpresidency,
saluted8 his new son-in-law: "As the lonely artist in our family, I'm thrilled to have another sensitive soul with whom I can relate. 乔治·W·布什卸任总统后,成为一位多产的画家。在婚礼祝酒辞中,他向他的新女婿致敬:“作为我们家族中孤独的艺术家,我很高兴能有另一个敏感的灵魂,我可以和他交流。
Plus it's nice to know someone from Hollywood who kind of likes me." 另外,很高兴认识了一个来自好莱坞、有点喜欢我的人。”
Laura Bush, in her emotional toast,
savored9 the simple completeness of her little family and Barbara's joy. 劳拉·布什在她充满感情的祝酒辞中,品味着她的小家庭的简单完整和芭芭拉的欢乐。
Of a summer night long ago in Midland, Texas, when her babies were asleep in bed, Laura recalled: "Daddy and I were in our little backyard at
twilight10, and I thought, 'This is the life.' 劳拉回忆起,很久以前的一个夏夜,在得克萨斯州米德兰,当她的孩子们在床上睡觉时,“黄昏时分,爸爸和我在我们的小后院,我想,‘这就是生活。’
Well, Barbara and Craig: This is the life." 芭芭拉和克雷格:这就是生活。”