时间:2019-01-04 05:41:18
"I can certainly relate to what girls go through in their young years and even in their adult years," she says. 她说:“我当然能理解女孩在年轻时甚至成年时所经历的一切。”
"I've been up and down with my weight. I've been a Dumplin', and inside of me there's a Dumplin' still trying to get out." “我的体重一直在上下波动。我一直是个傻瓜,而我内心深处有个傻瓜还在试图逃脱。”
With her
participation1 in the film, Parton hopes to help young women with similar issues: "It's not easy for anybody, but it's good to let them know that it's okay to be you." 帕顿希望通过参演这部电影来帮助那些有类似问题的年轻女性:“这对任何人来说都不容易,但让她们知道做你自己是件好事就很好。”
Parton feels most like herself inside the private world she shares with husband Carl Thomas Dean, whom she met at just 18 years old. 帕顿和她的丈夫卡尔·托马斯·迪恩(Carl Thomas Dean)在18岁的时候相识,在他们共同的私人世界里,帕顿感觉最像自己。
Celebrating 52 years of marriage this year, the couple are never photographed publicly, and Dean
shuns2 the
spotlight3. 今年是他们结婚52周年纪念日,这对夫妇从未公开露面,迪恩也避开了聚光灯。
Much unlike her, "my husband doesn't like to dress up," says Parton. "Our life is simple but easy. We don'teven have that much company at home. We just like to be together." 与她不同的是,“我丈夫不喜欢打扮,”帕顿说。“我们的生活很简单,但很容易。我们家里甚至没有那么多客人。我们只是喜欢在一起。”
On her days off, the Nashville-based couple enjoy mini road trips in their RV and quiet picnics in the countryside near their Tennessee home. 在她休假的日子里,这对居住在纳什维尔的夫妇会开着房车进行小型公路旅行,并在田纳西老家附近的乡村安静地野餐。
After more than five decades together, date night is low-key. “He loves Mexican food, and we know a few little places we can go without being bothered,” says Parton. 在一起50多年后,约会之夜是低调的。帕顿说:“他喜欢墨西哥菜,我们知道有几个地方可以去而不用担心被打扰。”
"He only likes to go places where he can be comfortable." “他只喜欢去那些他觉得舒服的地方。”
Parton, of course, still gets dolled up at home—"I pull my hair up in a little scrunchie and roll it with little hot rollers and always try to look cute"—but the star is confident it's her inner beauty he loves most. 当然,帕顿在家里还是会打扮得漂亮亮的——“我把头发梳成一个小卷,用小热筒卷起来,总是努力让自己看起来可爱些”——但这位明星相信,他最喜欢的是她的内在美。
Says Parton: "He doesn't care what I wear as long as I'm happy. He loves me the way I am." Two years ago the couple renewed their
vows5 in an over-the-top celebration held at their home. 帕顿说:“他不在乎我穿什么,只要我开心就行。”他爱我现在的样子。两年前,这对夫妇在家中举行了盛大的庆祝活动,重申了他们的誓言。
"I never really felt like I had the wedding that we wanted, so we
decided6 to get married again," says Parton. 帕顿说:“我从来没有觉得我们的婚礼就是我们想要的,所以我们决定再次结婚。”
When they got
hitched7 in 1966, the fledgling singer had been asked by her record label to stay unwed. 1966年他们结婚时,这位羽毛未丰的歌手被唱片公司要求未婚。
In true form she rebelled and snuck over to a "little church" in Ringgold, Ga., with Dean to exchange vows. 真正的情况是,她叛逆了,溜到了佐治亚州林戈尔德的一个“小教堂”,与迪恩交换誓言。
"We'd already sent out invitations, and I thought, 'I ain't waiting!' " recalls Parton. “我们已经发出了邀请,我想,‘我等不及了!’”帕顿回忆道。
"I had a little white dress and little flowers. My mom went with me and made me a little
bouquet8." “我有一件白色的小连衣裙和一些小花。我妈妈和我一起去,给我做了一束花。”
At their
vow4 renewal9 Parton finally got to wear the "big, long gown and veil" she'd always envisioned. 新的婚礼上,帕顿终于穿戴起了她一直梦想的“又大又长的礼服和面纱”。
"He got all dressed up, I got all dressed up, and we did a beautiful ceremony," she says about the special day. “他盛装打扮,我盛装打扮,我们举行了一个美丽的仪式,”她谈到这个特殊的日子时说。
"It's been a good 50 years, and I don't know how many more years we'll have left. Fifty years is a long time for anything." “这是一个美好的50年,我不知道我们还能再活多少年。50年对任何事情来说都是很长的时间。”