时间:2019-01-22 00:45:37
I'm gonna use my shirt as a makeshift breathing mask, 我用上衣做个临时的面罩
as bat guano can give you a deadly lung disease called histoplasmosis. 因为蝙蝠的粪便会让肺部感染上 一种叫做组织胞浆菌病的致命疾病
I want to check out the bats in there but the light and the smoke from my torch would spook them 我要查看下里面蝙蝠的情况 但火把产生的光和烟会吓到它们
and they'll all disappear in seconds. 它们会一下子全飞走了
That looks a pretty nasty,
sinister1 hole.Let's get into this. 这个洞看起来可是够诡异凶险的 我们进去吧
Hang on, you need to put the night vision on this.Put the night vision on this. 等一下 在洞中你要把夜视功能打开 把夜视功能打开
Bats have been on the planet for about 50 million years.They don't need light to hunt by. 蝙蝠已在地球上 生存了接近五千万年了 它们不用光线也可捕食
They use a biological sonar system called echolocation to judge distances and find insects to feed on. 用回声定位这种生物声纳系统 来判断距离远近并以此捕食
You can hear the
squeaking2.They're just beating their wings.You can see them on the camera 可以听到蝙蝠吱吱的叫声 不停的拍动翅膀 你在摄像机上能看到吧
Holy mackerel!Just bats everywhere! Look!That just make me go cold.I hate bats.Must be hundreds of them. 我的天啊 瞧瞧到处都是蝙蝠 我寒毛都竖起来了 我对蝙蝠深恶痛绝 肯定有好几百只
I want to get out and work out a plan to catch some of these. 我要撤出去 计划下怎么才能捉几只蝙蝠
I'm going to try a technique employed by the Lee tribe from southern China,who use smoke and nets to catch bats. 我要试试在中国南方生活的黎族 采用的一种方法 用烟熏和捕网来捉蝙蝠