时间:2019-01-22 01:06:17
You always have to prepare for the unexpected in the wild, 在野外你必须对突发事件有所准备
But survival is about turning whatever confronts you to your advantage. 但生存就是充分利用 你遇到的东西
All those frogs up here.Missed it.Where's he gone?There's loads around here.Here we go. 前面有些青蛙 找不着了他上哪去了 听声音是在这里 抓住了
Got a good-sized frog.And a frog like that,it's fine just to eat raw. 一只大青蛙 像这样的青蛙 生吃是没问题的
You want to be careful with
toads1. You don't want to eat them, 你得注意癞蛤蟆 可别吃它们
You can tell when they have a really
warty3 back to them. 可以通过背部的鳞片和瘤子区分他们
But a frog,as long as it's not brightly coloured. 但是青蛙 只要不是鲜艳的就行
which is gonna mean it's probably poisonous,A frog like that is fine just to eat. 颜色鲜艳的一般有毒 这样的青蛙吃起来没事的
Let's cut down it's back. 切开他的后背
And then you just can peel it, and what will happen. 就可以撕开它了
But it really gets all of guts,and skin. 内脏全都出来了 还有皮肤
It's kind of like taking it's trouserous off,and shoes. 就像给他脱裤子一样 还得脱鞋
And you're left with all the bit that's fine to eat. 把这些扔掉 可以吃了
Cold, froggy,and full of bones. 又冷又腥 而且全是骨头
Just moving through this sort of jungle burns up to a thousand calaries an hour. 单单是穿越这样的丛里 每小时就会消耗一千卡路里的能量
Nearly half of what a man needs in a day. 大约是成年男子一天必须能量的一半
You've got to boost energy levels whenever you can. 所以你必须随时随地补充能量
Need to start thinking about making camp.It's starting to get a bit darker. 得搭个帐篷了 天有点黑了
And when it dose get dark in the jungle, it happened so fast.You've got to be prepared. 丛林里天黑得很快 你得准备好
You know, but the main thing is you get off the jungle floor when you make a camp. 当你搭帐篷时 最主要的是 离开地面
This is where it all happens,all the snakes, the ants, the
scorpions4, are down here, 蛇啊 蝎子啊 全都在地上
so you want to make sure you're raised up a little bit.Okay. See what we find around here. 你必须确保高一点 看看附近有什么材料
But in the jungle,you need to check who you're sharing your bed with. 但是在丛林里 你必须检查一下床上都有什么
Look at the size of that.For a centipede.That is just a monster one. 看看这大小 对于蜈蚣来说 简直成精了