时间:2019-01-22 01:07:53
I am deep in a jungle in southern China. 我现在在中国南部的丛林中
Night setting in,and I want to make a camp and cook the bed a quarter ealier. 夜晚将至 我先前想搭个帐篷 做个床
First, I want to bulid a bamboo hammock to keep me off the forest floor. 首先 我想做个竹吊床 让我远离地面
It's amazing stuff,this bamboo.It's incredibly strong. 令人惊奇 竹子这种材料 坚固的很
They use it for
literally1 hundreds of different things,from shelter building to roofing,water collection. 不是吹牛 它们大概有 上百种用途 从避难营到屋顶 储水
They even use it for scaffolding. 甚至用于脚手架
But they also use it for weaponry, and the reason for that is because it's sharp, 因为锋利 它们还被用于制作武器
and that's why you need to be careful with this stuff. 所以你得小心点
What I want to do here is split it down into
strands2. 我现在想 把它切成一条条的
I'm cutting strips from these bamboo sections that will form the frame of the hammock. 我把竹子 切成条状的 这样才能做成吊床的框架
And you kind of look at it now,and you think, " how is it gonna to be that." 现在看上去 你一定会想"这怎么会变成吊床"
But the great thing about bamboo is that it's flexible. 但是竹子最大的优点 就是柔韧
When you get it like that,you can see how flexible this stuff is. 接触多了 你自然就会知道
You can see how the hammock shape comes from it. 让你看看怎么变成 吊床的
That all I need to do is weave some vine to keep these strands of bamboo apart, 下面只需要用藤蔓编个网 来使竹劈分开
and this will give the hammock its shape. 这样吊床就定型了
And two holes in the sections at either end will allow me to thread vine through. 在两头打个洞 就能把藤蔓穿过去了
I can then secure it to the trees with a simple overhand knot. 之后就能很轻易的 把它绑在树上了
That's gonna keep me off the jungle floor. 这样我就不用睡在地上了