时间:2019-01-22 01:08:58
This would be a good place here to set,Set a trap you know. 在这里设 设陷阱很好的
There's a natural
funnel1 between the rock and between the tree. 这里是天然漏斗 一边有石头一边有树
This would make a good
killing2 zone.I'm gonna set a simple deadfall trap. 这构成了一个很好的猎杀区域 我要设置一个简单的树林陷阱
I'm gonna actually use this log here.That's a good,heavy bit of wood. 我其实就是要用这里的这根原木 这是一根优质的 有点重的木头
It'll act as a deadfall.If this lands on top of you,you're gonna know about it. 它会很适合做陷阱 如果这东西掉在你脑袋上 有你好受的
This is gonna be the trigger for it. 这个做成扳机
It can balance over that and then this just slips
underneath3 and locks that trigger in place. 它能够撑住木头 然后把这枝条塞在下边 把扳机锁定住
And if anything stands on this to try and get the bait,it's gonna get crushed by this. 那么如果有东西停在这上边 想来吃饵 就会这样被砸到
I'm using some
guts4 from my bats as bait. 我要用些蝙蝠内脏做诱饵
It always a good idea to set a few traps to increase your chances. 设置一些陷阱总是 增加捕获机会的好方法
The typhoon has brought yet more heavy rain which has turned day into night and soaked everything around me. 台风让雨下得更大了 白天阴暗得如同黑夜 我周围的一切都浸泡在水中
Try and get some fire going.Fire in the jungle is always...such a nightmare.Come on! 努力升起营火 树林中的营火 总是像...该死 拜托
Everything just gets so wet,sodden through.But I split these little bits of bamboo. 什么都是湿的 湿透了 但我劈开了这些根竹子