时间:2019-01-22 01:09:39
Okay, get these bats on here. 好了 拿起这里的蝙蝠
I reckon with these, I'll just
gut1 it by pulling its head off, really. 掂量了下 我要扯掉 它的脑袋取出内脏 真得这样
And scared on this.On this bit of bamboo.This's one. 把它串起来 插在这根竹竿上 搞定一个
Bats are carriers of rabies so they need to be well-cooked to kill the virus. 蝙蝠是狂犬病的携带者 所以得烤到全熟以杀灭病毒
Okay.Let that cook.This might not look like very much. 好了 让它烤着吧 看上去可能不太够
But good jungle survival is just about having the
mentality3 that you'll eat anything 但优秀的丛林生存者要有心理准备 吃下去任何
and everything that's gonna help you survive. 和所有能帮你活下去的东西
Tastes like something that's been living in a dark, dank cave for a long time. 吃上去很像长期活在 黑暗潮湿洞里的东西
But it's warming.Go...go check this guy out. 不过是热乎乎的 看看这家伙
Look at the size of that for a centipede.That is just a monster one. 看这家伙 对于蜈蚣来说 简直成精了
I was just about to get into my hammock, as well, 我刚想爬到我的吊床上
but that is why you want to be off the jungle floor. 但这就是你为什么得离开丛林的地表
Do not want to be sharing your bed with that. 不想和这些同床共枕
That's the danger of having an open-door policy in the jungle.Put him in the fire. 在丛林里露天而眠就有这样的危险 把它丢到火里
This giant centipede packs a seriously venomous bite,and eating him is not a good idea. 这个巨型蜈蚣咬人时会吐出剧毒毒液 吃它可不是什么好事
Best left well alone.Put some straw in on the heat.Ah, mad day, mad day. 最好丢得远远的 给营火添一点竹杆 折腾的一天 折腾的一天
There's an old chinese proverb that says, 中国有句古语说
tomorrow will always be a better day,so here's hoping to that. 明天会更好 真希望能如此