时间:2019-01-22 01:16:19
I've made my way to the top of the redge in the mountains of southen China. 我已经到了山脊线顶部了 就在中国南部山区
What a view!I'll follow the stream down. 景色真美 我打算沿河而下
Look! A fresh water
crab1. 快看 淡水螃蟹
Look at this claw on the front of it,yet I've got within. 看它的蟹钳 长在身体前部 我刚刚被夹了
I spent my life getting bitten by
crabs2 when I was a kid. 我小时候常常被螃蟹夹
Then I worked out. Look,you put the claws together like that 然后我想出一个办法 看着 你把两个蟹钳像这样放一起
and then hold that,you are safe to handle it. 这样拿着 你就可以安全搞定它了
I try to pull this back off a little bit, 我要把它的背壳揭开
now let you see all of the what we called "dead man's fingers" these gills. 现在你可以看见这些 我们叫做"死人指"的东西 也就是它的鳃
That's what they filter all the bad staff in the river.through.You don't want to eat that. 螃蟹过滤河水里的脏东西 就是通过鳃 这东西不能吃
Crabs often contain
parasites3.They should only be eatten in raw in the survival situation. 螃蟹身体里常常有寄生虫 生吃螃蟹只是在求生时的选择
But the meat around it and all around the sides is the meat that you can eat. 但是鳃周围的肉 还有两侧的肉 是可以食用的
The other place of course meat on is the claws. 其他可以食用的地方 就是蟹钳
Still got a lot of passion!Smash it up.And then let you get all of that nice staff. 还挺有活力的嘛 敲碎它 然后就能吃到这些好东西了