时间:2019-01-22 01:17:29
I'm Bear Grylls.I'm gonna show you what it takes to get out alive from some of the most dangerous places on earth 我是贝尔·格里尔斯 我将向您展示 如何从地球上 最危险的地带 逃出生天
I've got to make it through weak and challenges. 我将身涉险境 面临生死考验
In the sort of places you wouldn't last a day without the right survival skills. 周遭炼狱 没有生存技巧 你命在旦夕 而我要设法突出重围
Now I'm in Montana,known as the Big Sky Country. 我正身处蒙大拿州 人称苍穹之州
It's a vast wildness largely untouched by man.It's where the fun start. 这里是广袤的荒野 人迹罕至 好戏要开始了
In this unforgiving territory,I'll draw on all my survival skills as I face off with steep gullies, 在这片严苛无情的地域 我得凭借我的求生技能 挑战陡峭的深沟
perilous1 ravine and torrential waterfalls. 危险的峡谷和湍急的瀑布
From this huge mountains to the vast plains,challenges don't come any tougher. 从延绵不断的山脉到漫无边际的原野 挑战之难可谓无以复加
I'm 9,500 feet up,what's know as the
backbone2 of America.This is Montana. 这里海拔为9500英尺 此地被誉为美国的脊梁 这就是蒙大拿
I'm about to paraglide into one of the harshest area in the country. 我将滑翔到美国环境最恶劣的山区中
All of this are the Rocky Mountains. 目光所及尽是落基山脉
It ran 300 miles from Canada all way down to New Mexico. 它延绵300英里 从加拿大一路延伸至新墨西哥州
This land of extreme is one of the harshest regions in the United States. 这里极端险峻的地貌 成为美国环境最恶劣的区域之一
In this type to
terrain3, nothing is easy. 面对这种地貌 无任何轻松可言
Got strong winds, pretty bold line for paragliding. 风很大 此时滑翔降挺要胆量的
It's no doubt of this.It's gonna be exciting fly.Ok, let's get in the air. 毫无疑问 此次飞行将刺激非常 好了 准备起飞