

时间:2019-01-22 01:18:54



 We're at the bottom.Here something is definitely warmer.Let's get go. 我们已经到山脚了 这里明显的比较暖和 继续前进

You can walk here for days and see no evidence of civilization. 你即便在这徒步几天也未必能碰到人烟
This area wasn't even mapped untill early 20th century. 直到20世纪初  此地才被绘图入册
In remote regions,it's often a good plan to follow streams and rivers. 在这种杳无人迹的地方 沿着小溪河流走是为上策
As they offer the quickest route to low ground. 它们指引了通往低地的捷径
But water always follows the path of least resistance. 然而水总是在阻力最小的地方流动
Tracking their path can be a real challenge. 追寻溪水的流向可谓挑战重重
Careful, steady, steady.There's a lot of water going down this. 小心  稳住了  稳住 这个瀑布的水流挺大的
And it's a long, long way down. Hang on.Probably about 70, 80 foot at least. 而且也挺深的  稍等 大概有个七八十英尺
It's also dangerously steep. 陡峭而危险
Descending1 the sheer rock face would just be suicide. 沿着如此陡的绝壁上往下爬无异于自杀
I could climb down the tree which is wedged into the falls, 我可以沿着瀑布中的那根孤木而下
but it won't get me all the way to the bottom. 但这无法让我到达瀑布底部
I need to make something to get me down the rest of the way. 之后的那段  我需要借助其他东西
Learning to improvise2 is a key in any survival situation. 学习就地取材是绝境求生的关键
I'm gonna use a cord from my paraglider.The forest will provide the rest. 我要利用伞包里的绳索 其他的就在森林中就地取材
And that's probably gonna be long enough. 这个应该够长了
All I'm doing is making like an improvised,makeshift rope ladder. 我不过就是因地制宜  就地取材  做一条绳梯
And we used to use these sort of things loads in the special forces 过去我们在特种部队就经常这么做
just lightweight, thin wire-rope ladders for getting up difficult, awkward places. 用又细又轻的钢丝做绳梯 来攀越各种难缠而棘手地方



1 descending descending     
n. 下行 adj. 下降的
  • The results are expressed in descending numerical order . 结果按数字降序列出。
  • The climbers stopped to orient themselves before descending the mountain. 登山者先停下来确定所在的位置,然后再下山。
2 improvise 844yf     
  • If an actor forgets his words,he has to improvise.演员要是忘记台词,那就只好即兴现编。
  • As we've not got the proper materials,we'll just have to improvise.我们没有弄到合适的材料,只好临时凑合了。

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