时间:2019-01-23 00:37:28
I'm in the Rockies, hanging off a rope ladder in a freezing waterfall,and there's only one way to go. 我身处落基山脉 正在冰冷的瀑布中的 一个绳梯上苦苦坚持着 就只剩一条出路了
I've still got a bit of distance to the bottom.Problem is I don't know how deep that water is. 只有一小段距离就到底了 但是我不知道水有多深
I'll have to do like a
belly1 flop2 but on my back,and that way I don't go too deep.This isn't much fun.That's why. 我必须背朝下跳下去 这样才不会沉太深 这可不是闹着玩的 这就是原因
Landing flat is painful but effective.This water is barely waist-deep. 直接着陆很疼但很有用 这里的水刚刚齐腰
Well, that dive saved me.But very, very cold.I need to get warm. 刚才那一跳跳对了 但这水是在是太冷 我需要去取暖
That freezing water took its
toll3. 冰冷的水对身体有害
The human body temperature is normally around 98.6 degrees. 人的体温一般是98.6华氏度
If it falls just two degrees below that,you find yourself in serious trouble. 一旦降到96.6华氏度以下 情况就很不妙了
Just stop, stop the camera and get warm.I need to build a fire and quickly. 停下 别拍了 先烤烤火 我得迅速生起火
It's just a mix of dried grasses,old man's beard, and then lots of this thistle fluff. 这里面有干草 人的胡子以及蓟的绒毛
Let's use this fire striker to get this going. 用这种打火棒生火
It was cold in that river proper cold. 那水真是冷 刺骨的冷啊
Learned in my life to
dread4 it.Very nice. 永生难忘 火很旺啊
Freezing cold and wet,your body burns up to twice as many calories. 又湿又冷的环境 会消耗你两倍于平常的卡路里
Once dry, it's time to go on the hunt for food. 衣服干了 就该去找吃的了