时间:2019-01-23 00:45:28
I've capsized my canoe in a giant freezing lake.Now I gonna swim to the shore. 我的小船在刺骨的湖水中沉没了 我只能游向对岸
If it wasn't for the capsize, this would've been a perfect plan. 如果船没沉 这个计划可就完美了
Well, that would've saved you,I
reckon1, probably about 20 miles 不过这已经很好了 据我估计 沿着湖岸
trying to walk around all of that shoreline. 走过来的话 至少有20英里
The downside is I'm cold,and the sun's getting low in the sky. I need to get moving,and get warm.Okay. 缺点就是我现在很冷 而且日近黄昏 必须赶快行动 想办法取暖 走吧
Montana is known as big sky country,and once you're out in the open,it's easy to see why. 蒙大拿州被称为苍穹之州 一旦你走到开阔地段 就知道此名从何而来了
The sun is getting low, and the temperature's starting to drop fast. 太阳即将落山 气温骤降
Time to leave this exposed plain,and head into the trees to find shelter. 必须尽快离开这荒芜的平原地带 到树林中寻找住处
With light fading,I catch a glimpse of human habitation. 在夜幕完全降临之际 我找到一处房子
An old
deserted2 building of some sort,might be a good place just to try to get shelter and get warm and dry. 一座老旧的废弃建筑 是理想的遮风挡雨之所 供你取暖并烘干衣服
It's really quite airy in there.Old homesteads like this litter the landscape. 里面通风很好 像这样古老的宅地都被荒废了
Many were abandoned in the 19th century as people
migrated3 west. 很多人在19世纪西进时遗弃了这里