时间:2019-01-23 00:54:25
There's bound to be some difficult terrain1 ahead, 前面的路肯定会遇到一些困难
and this stuff is too good to leave behind. 不能抛弃这么好的东西
Not as good as rope, a lot of this wire,but it's better than nothing. 这么长的线 虽然不如绳子 但有总比没有强
See if we can get this down. Just watch yourself, there.So rotten, look. Okay, watch out. 试试能不能弄下来 小心 杆子烂得很严重 好了 小心
I'm collecting 50 foot of cable.It's strong and
remarkably2 light. 我弄到了50英尺长的电线 很结实而且非常轻
Now to get out of the trees and back onto open ground. 现在该走出树林回到开阔地带去
I need to get my bearings and head towards the plains. 我需要搞清自己的位置 然后前往平地
You can see a very clear animal track around here. 你可以清晰看见一条 动物行走的小道
And it's probly used by deer,elk, maybe even bear as well. 可能是鹿 也可能是熊
Also, generally they're gonna follow the path of least resistance. 通常它们都会选择最容易走的路径
So, trying to work your way through difficult terrain,it's a good thing to follow. 所以如果你想走出困境 沿着这样的痕迹走是个好主意
Let's pick up the pace a bit here. 从这儿开始我们加快脚步吧
An old deer antler.Always worth taking. 鹿脱落的角 这样的东西值得留着
The trail is taking me back into the mountains. 小道又将我带回到山中
I need to leave it behind,but that means crossing tough ground. 我必须离开这里 但这意味着我必须穿越一片崎岖的土地