时间:2019-01-23 00:56:32
First take a turn around the tree here. 先在树上绕个圈
And then I can just pay that out behind me. 之后拴在我背后就行了
Then an
improvised1 harness to keep me attached to the cable even if I lose my balance. 然后准备一根临时保险带 保证我即使不小心失去平衡 也能挂在缆绳上
So you got one long loop like this,and then all you do round yourself. 你要做一个这样大的绳圈 然后把自己圈起来
Just like that.Hold it there. 就像这样 拉紧了
Reach between your legs,then pull it up. 从双腿间穿过去 把一边绳子拉上来
And that then locks at three points. 然后把这三点固定在一起
Use one of the paraglider carabiners through there. 用一个滑翔伞的环锁扣扣住
I've got a really good improvised harness there. 简易的临时保险绳就完成了
And next, gonna put the rucksack on my front to protect my chest from the wire. 再把背包背在前胸 防止绳索摩擦 起保护作用
Hang on. I'm also gonna put my jacket around that which I value most. 等等 我要把夹克衫脱下来 包在我的命根子上
That's gonna give me some protection there. 这样应该能起保护作用
Know how you get that feeling in the pit of your stomach of just nerves? 知道那种内心紧张不安 七上八下的感觉吗
I'm never quite sure whether I love that feeling or whether i hate it. 我也不知道对这种感觉 到底是爱还是恨