时间:2019-01-23 00:58:11
As I dropped out of the tree line onto open ground,I spot a bridge. 随着我走出森林 进入平地 一座桥映入眼帘
It's a welcome sight,but no guarantee of
salvation1. 是道吸引人的景观 但不一定是我的救赎之路
It looks like an old, old railway bridge of some sort. 看起来是一座年代久远的铁路桥 感觉上是的
Man, that must be 200 foot high at least. 伙计 起码有200英尺高
In Montana, there are hundreds of miles of derelict track leading to abandoned mines and ghost towns. 在蒙大拿 被遗弃的铁轨长达数百英里 它们通向废旧矿井和无人鬼镇
You can see all the concrete's falling apart up there. 你可以看到上面的混净土裂开的痕迹
My best
bet2 really is to try and get on it and stick with it, see where it goes. 我最好上去赌一把 看看沿着铁路能走到哪
Try and pump some blood back into the hands and the arms. 尽量甩甩手 有助于手和胳膊的 血液流畅
You just got to be 100% on each handhold and foothold when you start getting this high. 当爬到这么高之后 你必须百分之百确保 每一步都踏踏实实稳稳当当
You're just not human if you don't feel aflutter. 如果觉得不紧张 那就不正常了
After an
epic3 climb and only 15 foot short of the top,I'm faced with a problem. 这是次可载入史册的攀爬 此刻我距登顶只有15英尺 但难题出现了
How on earth am I gonna get over this lip? 我要怎么才能跨过这道槛
The concrete lip is overhanging and out of reach. 混凝土边缘突了出来 而且徒手够不到
But if I can get my chain over the top, and
secure4 it, 但如果我能把铁链扔上去并卡住
I might be able to swing out and climb up. 或许能够荡出去 然后爬上去