时间:2019-01-23 01:06:38
That's the heli out of here.Man, look at this place. 直升机飞走了 看这地方
Am I landing on the moon?We're here. 我这是到了月球吗 我们来到这不毛之地
There is red hot molten
lava1 somewhere under my feet. 红热的熔浆在我脚下翻滚
Feel the heat up here.That is the wind noise. 快来感觉这温度 听那风噪声
This is bad, boy.And this is well all of that 这可不是好地方 从火山口升起的
gases pouring out of and all those gases are poisonous. 浓浓白烟 都是有毒的
So the sulphur are coming out.That's one of this yellowish. 里面含有硫 这黄色的堆积物就是硫
Somewhere down there red hot magma
chamber2.I feel very vunlerable here. 火山口下面是 滚烫的岩浆房 这里不安全
I want to get off this peak quickly. 我希望尽快离开山顶
Guatemala was dominated by the Mayan
civilisation3 for over 2000 years. 危地马拉曾被马雅人统治两千多年
Their ancient cities are hidden in the jungle especially in the north. 他们古老的城市藏匿在森林深处 北部尤为密集
It's just after dawn.The sun rise over there, east. 现在刚过黎明 太阳升起的那边是东边
I want to keep in this way, north.Down the hill. Away from the lava. 我想走的是北边 沿着这个方向下山 远离岩浆
Get stuck here and one of the best bet is to head for the Mayan ruins deep in the jungle. 在这样的境地 我们最好的选择 是前往丛林深处的玛雅遗迹
They're popular with tourists.Where there are people, there is
salvation4. 许多游客慕名前往 只要有人 就能获救