时间:2019-01-23 01:11:07
Watch out where you're treading1.And these are gonna be edible2. 小心脚下 这些都能吃
You don't want to eat them raw.Really, you want to cook shellfish and try and keep them alive for something to eat later. 你不会想生吃的 真的 你肯定会想吃熟的 那就要先养着 待会儿再吃
I'm gonna keep them safe in my backpack.It's a little tiddler. 我就准备先养在我背包里 这是个小鱼儿
Always collect as much as you can. 一定要尽量多抓点
Survival's about making the most of what you come across. 要生存下来就要尽量 利用遇到的东西
Guatemala has some of the longest and largest caves in central America. 危地马拉有中美洲 最大最长的洞穴
Most of them are totally unexplored. 其中大部分都未经勘探
I'm gonna light the torch with my flint. 我要用打火石点燃火把
Very slippy on these rocks, just watch this out. 这些石头非常滑 小心点
Over millions of years, water's worn the rock away,making these tunnels and
caverns3. 经过水流几百万年的冲刷侵蚀 这里才形成了这些溶洞
It just shows how powerful it can be. 这正彰显了其巨大的威力
Hey, listen.At least something lives down here. 快听 竟然还有小东西生活在这下面
The mayans used to think that caves like this were the
gateways4 to the underworld. 玛雅人一直认为这样的洞穴 是通往地下世界的门户
They called it "Shivova",it means "place of fear" 他们称之为"Shivova" 意思是敬畏之地
One of the big dangers is going into caves like this is not being able to find your way out again. 很危险的一件事就是 进这样的洞之后 可能会再也找不到出路
If I've learned anything about survival,you've always got to have an escape plan. 所以逃生的秘诀就是 一定要制定一个逃脱计划
And you know, a shape like this,it looks very
unnatural5.So if you have got to retreat,you've got some markers to follow. 这样的形状 看起来很不寻常 所以万一要往回撤 得有一些标记引路