

时间:2019-01-23 01:12:48



 I'm freezing cold from being soaked underground for so long. 在地下浸泡了这么长时间  我全身冰冷

Now I want to get moving to get some heat back into my body. 现在我想通过运动找回热量
One thing about jungles is their abundance of life. 丛林的一个特点就是 生命旺盛
Rotting tree stumps1 make an ideal place to look for food. 腐烂的树桩是寻找食物的绝佳场所
This is like a larvae2 larder3 in here. 这里就像个幼虫储藏室
I find all of these things here. There's another one. 这些全是在这找到的  又一个
See that?It's just feeding off all that decomposing,rotting wood. 看见了吗 它以那些分解腐烂的 树木为食
Ow! God, they really bite.Wait, there's one. look. 天呐  它们还真咬人 等等  这有一个  瞧
That's another good-sized one there.Getting a bit of a meal together. 这还有一个 大块头 又采集了一顿大餐
I'm not sure exactly what these are,but they look like beetle4 larvae. 我不清楚这些具体是什么 但它们看起来像甲虫的幼虫
But I know that's good to eat. 而且我知道那很美味
It hasn't got any of nature's big warning signs.It's not brightly colored. 没有任何明显的警告迹象 没有鲜艳的色彩
It's not covered in little hairs.It's just been feeding off this rotting wood.And that's bug5 heaven. 表面没有细腻的绒毛 它就是以这些腐木为食的 这里真是虫子的天堂
With the grubs safely tucked away in my backpack for later, 将这些幼虫小心的储藏起来供以后食用
I can start thinking about a place to sleep before it gets too dark. 趁着天还没黑 我开始物色一个睡觉的地方
I need to try and keep an eye out for a decent-sized,decent-sized tree. 我要寻找一棵高度适中的 高度适中的树
The plan is to get myself way up high off the ground. 这样能够让我 远离地面
And the reason for that is jaguars6. 这样做是因为 美洲豹的存在



1 stumps 221f9ff23e30fdcc0f64ec738849554c     
(被砍下的树的)树桩( stump的名词复数 ); 残肢; (板球三柱门的)柱; 残余部分
  • Rocks and stumps supplied the place of chairs at the picnic. 野餐时石头和树桩都充当了椅子。
  • If you don't stir your stumps, Tom, you'll be late for school again. 汤姆,如果你不快走,上学又要迟到了。
2 larvae w2CxP     
  • Larvae are parasitic on sheep.幼虫寄生在绵羊的身上。
  • The larvae prey upon small aphids.这种幼虫以小蚜虫为食。
3 larder m9tzb     
  • Please put the food into the larder.请将您地食物放进食物柜内。
  • They promised never to raid the larder again.他们答应不再随便开食橱拿东西吃了。
4 beetle QudzV     
  • A firefly is a type of beetle.萤火虫是一种甲虫。
  • He saw a shiny green beetle on a leaf.我看见树叶上有一只闪闪发光的绿色甲虫。
5 bug 5skzf     
  • There is a bug in the system.系统出了故障。
  • The bird caught a bug on the fly.那鸟在飞行中捉住了一只昆虫。
6 jaguars bfbd1a0f0e813aff8928cf4c7a6394d1     
n.(中、南美洲的)美洲虎( jaguar的名词复数 )
  • Jaguars are largely nocturnal creatures. 美洲虎基本上是夜行动物。 来自辞典例句
  • Jaguars (Panthera onca) once ranged from southern South America to theUnited States. 美洲虎曾经分布在北美洲南部和美洲南部。 来自互联网

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