时间:2019-01-23 01:14:00
Jaguars1 are the Americas' biggest and most dangerous wild cat. 美洲豹是美洲最大最凶险的野生猫科动物
Attacks on humans are rare,but they do happen. 虽然攻击人类的案例很少见 但确实发生过
In 2009, a miner was mauled and killed by one. 2009年 一位矿工就被美洲狮咬伤致死
There you go. See, it's right there.Let's get up there. 这边来 瞧 就在那 让我们爬上去
I'll make some sort of platform to sleep on and then hang that under one of these limbs, one of the big branches. 我要搭一个可以睡在上面的平台 然后把它挂在 其中树枝上 最粗的一枝
That at least is gonna to get me off the ground. 至少我可以离开地面了
But I want to also make sure I'm far enough out from the main trunk.Jaguars can climb trees. 但我也想离树干足够远 美洲豹会爬树
It's not gonna be 100% up there,but nothing is in the jungle. 虽然不会百分之百爬上去 但丛林里可说不准
I'm gonna make a hanging bivouac,the type of bed mountaineers use on long overnight climbs. 我要做一个悬挂的宿营地 就像登山者通宵爬山用的床一样
I've used them myself
halfway2 up ice cliffs in Antarctica. 我自己在南极洲冰崖上也用过一次
All I need from this to make a triangle of a bed frame.That's our shape. 我要把床框架 做成三角型的 形状出来了
And then, we will cross one like that. 然后要像这样 加上跟横梁
We need to get our wiggle on with this.It's getting dark, and fast. 我们得快点 天黑的越来越快了
Once I've made the bed frame,I'm gonna use vines to make a lattice to sleep on, 床框架一旦做好 我还需要用藤条编成格子以便睡在上面
then cover that with ferns to make it more comfortable. 再放上蕨类的叶子 使它更加舒适