时间:2019-01-24 00:41:41
Roofing felt is crude paperboard impregnated with tar1 and bitumen2 to make it water-resistant. 油毡是用厚纸坯制成 浸以焦油和沥青防水
It burns slowly and steadily,making it perfect for torches. 它可以持续稳定地燃烧 非常适合用来制作火炬
Time to get into this ventilation
shaft3. 现在我们可以进通风管了
I'm gonna squeeze going into this one.Don't want to have had too much lunch. 我要努力挤进去 记得午饭别吃太多
Entering this ventilation system is like going into unexplored caves. 进入通风管系统内部就好比 探索一个无人涉足的山洞
This is a mad place in here.It smells of stale air. 这地方真让人疯狂 空气味道陈腐
The air isn't good,but as long as my torch is burning,there's enough oxygen to breathe. 空气不好 但只要火炬仍然燃烧 就有足够的氧气供我呼吸
Getting a bit wet in here.Also means it's rustier,so just watch where you put your feet. 这里有些潮湿 也意味着铁锈更加严重 小心你前面的路
A bit like going through a minefield, this bit. 有些像探索雷区 步步惊心
Just don't know what you're treading on whether it's solid or whether it's been
rusted4 through, 不知道你脚下是否安全 踏板是否牢靠 有没有被锈掉
which means we need to tread really gingerly just test each foot before we commit the weight to it. 这意味着我们要非常小心 每向前一步之前都要小心试探
That's a bad bit there.Try and spread your weight like you're on thin ice. 这块锈得太严重 想象着下面是薄冰 要把体重分散开
You know, go on all fours if you need to.Spread your weight. That's thin here. 有必要的话用上手 分散体重 这块太薄了
But thin ice is better than no ice.Hang on. Steady here. There's a drop down here. 就算如履薄冰也好过寸步难行 这里小心 路是直下的
Let me see how far that is.It looks like it's gonna be taking me down to the next level.Let me go first. 让我看看这到底有多深 看起来这一直通到下一层 让我先走