时间:2019-01-24 00:46:02
In the aftermath of an urban disaster, 在城市灾难过后
you should be on the
lookout1 for the sort of things that can make the difference between life and death 你应该首当其中寻找那些必需品 在关键时刻能起到重要作用
medical supplies, instant or canned foods,fresh water, light, and power sources. 药品 速食以及罐头食品 干净的水 光源 电源
An old medicine cabinet.Old buildings like this can be treasure troves for the scavenging
survivor2. 一个旧药盒 这样的老建筑对求生者来说是难得的宝库
It's toughened glass, this.Where's that newspaper? 这是钢化玻璃做的 刚才看到的报纸在哪里
Let's see if we can use this to get into it. 看看报纸能不能打碎它
Ordinary newspaper folded correctly can make a seriously solid clap. 如果折叠正确的话 普通报纸好比狼牙棒
And then just bend it.And then that becomes really hard.Okay, let's get into this. 然后这样对折 就会非常坚硬 让我们打碎它
You got, like, wound
dressing3 like that.It's always useful. Use that as cordage.Take that. 这是创伤敷料 它总是很有用 还可以用来当绳索 这个要拿着
There's also something here with multiple potential survivor uses. 这里还有一个求生者的万金油
I think that's,that's potassium manganate.Use that, mix it with water, clean a wound. 我觉得 这是锰酸钾 把它溶解于水可以清理伤口
And also if you wet it, real purple use that, sprinkle in the snow,and that will act just like a marker an air marker. 它吸水呈紫色 这个洒在雪上 就可以当标记 飞机指示标记
There's lots else I can do, let's take that. 还有很多别的用处 拿上
All useful stuff,but now it's time to get off this top floor and out of this building. 拿走有用的物品 现在我们要下楼并且离开这座建筑
But with the exits locked,you got to look for another way down. 但出口上了锁 我们需要另辟蹊径