时间:2019-01-24 00:48:26
There's an elevator.It's not gonna have power to it, this, though. 那里有部电梯 肯定没有通电
If we get into the shaft,you can actually use this to get down. 如果我们可以进入竖井 就可以利用这里下楼
Elevators usually have a firemen's emergency access point. 电梯通常有个给消防员使用的紧急开关
It's probably this. Let's see. 应该是这里 试试
And they have this point just so firemen can get into lifts when there's no power to it. 有了这个紧急开关 消防员 可以在断电的情况下进入竖井
Let's see if we can trigger the catch on this.Steady, steady, steady. 看看是不是能扳得动它 当心 当心 当心
There's definitely no lift on this floor.there must be at least seven floors down there.These elevator cables could be one option. 电梯肯定不在这楼 电梯离这里至少有七层楼 需要想办法下楼
These elevator cables could be one option.The problem is that it's just grease city on there. 可以利用电梯的缆绳 问题是这上面涂了许多润滑油
It's gonna be so slippy.Need something just to give a bit of
friction1 on that. 会非常滑 需要别的东西增加摩擦力
and I've found just the thing.Use this fire hose. 这里我找到了好东西 用这个消防软管
The tough material of this fire hose will protect my hands and forearms and create friction on the
greasy2 cables. 软管粗糙的布料可以保护我的手和前臂 还能增加油乎乎的电缆的摩擦力
Gee3 whiz. Not the time to look down.I'm 80 foot up and need to get a grip. 好了 天呐 这时就不该往下看 这有24米多高 一定得抓牢了