时间:2019-01-24 00:50:08
There's no way of getting around this gap.Let's try around the back. 这个口子根本进不去 绕到后面看看
It's much wider down the back. Look.Must be where,where the counterweights run. 后面更宽 看呐 这肯定就是对重的通道
There's a gap of about 10 inches. 这个口大概有25厘米宽
A tight squeeze, but just room for me to get through. 非常狭小 但刚好能容我通过
The elevator appears to be stuck between floors,and I can see daylight beneath,which might mean an exit. 电梯好像停在两层楼之间了 我能看到下面的光线了 那应该就是出口
Get under this. Come down, come down.We're
underneath1 the elevator here. 下来吧 快点下来 我们已经到电梯下面来了
Bad place for this to fall.Let's try and get out of here. 这地方可不安全 我们赶紧出去吧
There's a ton of steel above,which could crush me like a
bug2. 上面有一吨重的钢铁 要压死我轻而易举
We need to shift this.Let's shift this footplate. 我们要打开这里 打开这个踏板
The footplate prevents passengers from slipping underneath the elevator. 踏板是防止乘客 滑到电梯下面的
It's the weakest part of the structure and could provide a route out. 是电梯最不牢靠的地方 我们也许能从这里出去
Okay, it's gonna be tight.There's only just room to slip through,but I'm not hanging around in here for a moment longer than I have to. 好吧 太窄了 只够刚好爬过去 但不到迫不得已 我真不想在这多呆一分钟了
Now to get the crew out.Okay.Okay. Good job in there. 现在把我的同伴拉出来 好了 很好 在里面表现真不错
I'm safely down to ground level and on my way. 我终于安全到达地面 继续前进
Next up,I'm putting my special forces training to an explosive test.Fingers in ears. 接下来 我将特种部队训练技能 用于一次爆炸 塞上耳朵