时间:2019-01-24 00:56:36
I've made my shelter, and I've got fire, 我搭好了避难所 也点燃了火
but night is falling fast, and it's time to go and check on my rat trap. 但夜色降临 该去检查一下捕鼠夹了
This is where the trap was.It looks like this has been triggered.But my trap is empty. 陷阱应该在这里 好像被触发了 但是我的陷阱空空如也
Hang on. Look.The gut's here, though. 等等 瞧 内脏还在这里
You know, this is what will often happen in an urban environment,you know, where you've got wild cats, foxes. 在城市环境里很常见 这里充满野猫 狐狸
You might get a kill,but then you get beaten to it.I'm not the only thing trying to survive here. 你可能会捕捉到猎物 但稍后它们就会还以颜色 我不是这里唯一尝试生存的动物
With nothing in my trap, I'm on the
lookout1 for any other food. 由于陷阱一无所获 我着手寻找其他吃的
Around here, options are limited.But back in my camp, I make a find. 在这周围 选择非常有限 但回到营地 我有了发现
I found a load of wood lice just getting firewood.That's kind of plan "b" for supper. 我找柴火时 找到了大量的木虱 这是晚餐B计划
It actually kind of reminds me of home.Where I live's
infested2 with wood lice. 让我回想起家乡 那里木虱经常出没
Wood lice are small
crustaceans3 found in the damp and dark. 木虱是栖息在潮湿黑暗环境中的小型甲虫
Like rats, they're considered a pest,but they don't spread disease,so they're safer to eat. 它们和老鼠一样被认为是害虫 但它不传播疾病 所以吃起来比老鼠安全
And then you'll see they'll start to pop in a minute.There you go -- kind of like nature's
popcorn4. 一会你就会听到砰砰的声音 有了 有点像大自然爆米花
When they stop popping like that,they're basically good to eat. 当砰砰声停止的时候 就差不多可以吃了
Wood lice are commonly eaten by birds and other insectivores,but this is a first for me. 木虱是鸟类和其他食虫动物的家常便饭 但对我来说还是第一次
Definitely better cooked than raw. Taste a bit like
shrimp5.It's probably worse. 绝对比生吃要好得多 有点像虾的味道 可能糟一些
These are about 90% protein.God only knows what the rest of it is.But-- good survival food. 它们身体大约百分之九十都是蛋白质 只有上帝才知道其余是什么 但 这是求生的佳品
If I couldn't get a rat,it's the next best thing. 我没抓到老鼠 那是第二好的食物
Not much for a meal,but at least it's something.Time now to try and get some sleep. 虽然算不上一顿饭 但起码吃了点东西 该睡觉了
Just 'cause I'm in the city doesn't mean the end result is much different really to sleeping rough in the wild. 在城市中 并不意味着与荒野中睡觉的感觉 大相径庭
Still pretty cold,still pretty uncomfortable. 依然很寒冷 仍然很不舒服
In my next challenge, it's down to Earth with a bump.Bad place to fall. 下一个挑战中 要从高处坠物 掉下去就死定了