时间:2019-01-24 00:59:39
These hole things loose here,you probably get scared and start reaching for things. 墙上的空洞有点吓人 因为不知道里面有什么
Okay, I'm at the pipe.And there you see this pipe runs all the way from ceiling down to floor. 到水管这儿了 水管从顶楼一直到地面
But, actually, it's gonna be good
friction1 on this all this
rust2. 这上面很粗糙 摩擦力很好 都锈了
It's gonna be a bit like a giant fireman pole. 有点像巨大的消防杆子
It's a long way down,and this heating pipe is old and
rusty3. 要滑很长一段距离 这个散热管道又旧又锈
There's no way I'll be able to rely on my arm strength alone, 只靠我手臂的力量是不可能的
so I have to wrap my legs around it and hang on for dear life. 所以我的脚要紧紧攀住水管 这样才能保住小命
Strong inner
thighs4.So far, so good,but the pipe bends below me,making it much harder to negotiate. 大腿内侧也得用劲 到目前还好 但是下面的水管改变了方向 使得我很难通过
It's a struggle to keep my grip,and with all the dust and dirt, it's becoming hard to see and breathe. 我挣扎着抓紧水管 再加上有灰尘等 使我看不太清也喘不太过来
I'm one level down.Let's try and get down to the next bit. 我已经下了一层了 试着下到下一层
Let's get rid of that.It's straight down for three floors.Control here is everything. 扔掉这玩意 水管直直地通到三楼 这里过了 就万事大吉了
A fast descent could be as dangerous as a fall.Okay, this one's a one-way ticket. 速降是非常危险的 就像坠落一般 现在是直降单程票