时间:2019-01-24 01:04:02
I've reached the end of the pipe,but I'm still not down to ground level 已经到水管的头了 但是还没到地面
okay, we're just one storey up from the ground here. 这儿离地面就一层楼高了
for about 25 foot, just this last little bit. 大约7米多 只剩下最后一点点了
Let's try and get across here. Look. 穿过这里就可以了
dozens of
crumbling3 old concrete walls with bone-breaking drops on all sides. 四周老旧的混凝土墙摇摇欲坠 稍有不慎 筋骨俱断
The light is fading fast, so I want to get down quickly.And I found something to help. 天色渐暗 我得快点下去 我找到了一些有用的东西
Use these fan belts to make, like, chain link. 用这些风扇传动带 做成链环
It becomes, then, an
improvised4 caving ladder. 然后就制成了一个临时的绳梯
Just lay one over the other,reach under. 只要把一根带子压在另一根上 再从下面穿过去
And as you pull it through,you get that chain effect,like that. 当你把它拉出来的时候 就形成了这种链环 就像这样
Industrial fan belts are made of reinforced rubber,which are designed not to stretch even under severe loads. 工业风扇传动带是用强化橡胶制成的 使其无法拉伸 即使在很重的负荷下
Just gonna larks-foot this round this concrete beam. 打一个活结绕在混凝土大梁上面
A larks-foot is a simple technique for tying off climbing ropes and will hold my ladder in place. 打活结是一项简单的攀爬绳索的打结技术 并且能使我的梯子处在正确的位置
Let's give this a test.My ladder's going to be strong, 让我们来试一试 我的梯子很结实
but I'm concerned about the strength of this old floor that it's attached to. 但是我担心这个老楼地板的强度
Like wood,steel-reinforced concrete weathers and rots over time,making it
brittle5 and weak. 像木头一样 钢筋混凝土随着时间推移也逐渐腐蚀生锈 使它变得脆弱而易碎