

时间:2019-01-24 01:08:37



 Simon is the camera man.It's really an exciting job to do. 西蒙是摄像师 这是个令人兴奋无比的工作

cause you've just travelled on the world,we get to explore out,we gotta get messy, climb thing,always adventure. 在探索大自然的过程中 我们披荆斩棘 面对复杂的地形环境 总是险象环生
Ex-royal marine1 commando Dave,is an expert mountaineer. 前英国皇家海军陆战队队员戴夫 是个登山家
For me, the motivation is the team and the people within this small team. 对我来说  这个小团队的所有人和事 都是我的动力
And former paratrooper Danny cool the main secure2. 还有退役伞兵丹尼 他负责主要的安保工作
I've just watched it all time,you know, just to make sure everything is going right. 我时刻保持目不转睛地观察 只为确保一切安全进行
The team just get on really, really well,and Bear is definately the kingpin in that. 我们的团队合作无间 贝尔毫无疑问是我们的主心骨
Bear would take a bold3 by the holy saying "come on, let's just do it". 贝尔会直面危险  随时准备放手一搏
Let's do it. Let's go, friend. Let's do it. 开始吧  动手吧
Whatever environment to deal with,the first challenge is always the most difficult. 无论你将面对何等环境 正所谓万事开头难
Getting to solic ground. 头等大事便是安全着陆
We've filmed some of the most remote location on earth,and the only way in is used by parachute. 我们录制过地球上许多人迹罕至的区域 走进它的唯一方法 就是空降
In Alaska, the team and I joined forces with the search-and-rescue operation.How do you do? How do you do? 在阿拉斯加   摄制组与搜救部队展开合作 你好 你好
They gonna take me high for mountains in that HH-60 Pavel. 他们要用这架HH-60帕尔维直升机 将我送到山顶
It's a pretty typical things for us,you know, get a heli on the ground here. 直升机停在身边的情况 我们早已司空见惯
We are just waiting that with they gonna have a big brief the military guys who gonna fly the thing. 我们现在只需等待 他们和稍后即将驾驶飞机的 军人们进行详细的计划讨论就好



1 marine 77Izo     
  • Marine creatures are those which live in the sea. 海洋生物是生存在海里的生物。
  • When the war broke out,he volunteered for the Marine Corps.战争爆发时,他自愿参加了海军陆战队。
2 secure LTmzi     
  • He found a secure foothold and pulled himself up.他找到了一个稳固的踏脚处并爬了上去。
  • Extra men are needed to secure the camp against attack.需要增加兵力以保护军营免受攻击。
3 bold 5RSy1     
  • Her words were so bold that people caught their breath.她的话太大胆了,使人们都倒抽了一口气。
  • The room was decorated in bold colours.房间的色调布置得鲜明醒目。

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