时间:2019-01-24 01:15:35
In Alaska, the best route to safety was to get onto a glacier1, 在阿拉斯加 最安全的路径 就是站到冰川上去
but that meant a jump across icy water for me and for Simon. 但那就意味着要跳过刺骨的冰水 我要跳 西蒙也得跳
Don't like the look of this stuff at all.You see, it's just all free-floating,broken ice. 这些东西全都暗藏杀机 你看 冰块全是活动的 全是碎冰
To get to the glacier,you had to sort of step across which were effectively
icebergs2 floating in the water.Often they're pretty
unstable3. 为了到冰川上去 你得跨过 那些看起来很结实的冰山 实际上他们很容易碎的
Here we go, twinkletoes. 出发 水上漂
Just,okay ,give me your hand, this last bit. 差点 好了 过来 最后这一段我能拉你一把
He said,No, come on.Do this last one. It's great.We'll make it. We'll make it. 他说 不 快来 挺过这最后一个 感觉棒极了 我们能行 我们能行
Ok. Look down, look across,Go for it, commit to it. 好吧 看看下面 看看对面 就奋不顾身地冲过去了
One, two, three.Good. good, good. And again.Nice. 1 2 3 好 很好 不错 真棒
Simon -- he's no slouch in those situations,and danced across it really well. 西蒙在这种环境中游刃有余 一把就跳了过去
But he also has to hold a camera. 但是他还要举着摄像机
Sometimes you just got to commit to these things. Okay. 有时候你得全情投入 走吧
I'm as careful as I can be,but there's always an element of risk for me and crew. 我已经尽可能小心翼翼 但我和摄制人员还是常遇风险
There was a scree slope which Bear and I were powering down. 那里有一处布满碎石的斜坡 我和贝尔要速滑下去
We got to about 20 feet before the end of this thing,and Bear says to me,"I'm gonna stop by that tree".And he doesn't stop. 差不多要滑20英尺才能到坡底 贝尔跟我说 我会在那棵树的地方停下来 可他并没能停下来