时间:2019-01-24 01:16:08
We managed to release ourselves and pull ourselves off into the dust. 我们设法减缓趋势 踩着泥土停下来
So I got off lightly,but
purely1 down to luck.But these
boulders2 were whizzing,whizzing past our heads.Not nice. Not nice. 所以我下去的时候很小心 纯粹靠了一把好运气 那些石砾继续越过我们头顶 不停滚动 飕飕作响 情况非常危险
For the crew,following me at ground level is tough enough,but the really testing times are when we're climbing. 对摄制组而言 在平地上跟踪拍摄已经十分困难 但更为考验我们的 是在爬山时进行的拍摄
Bear takes all the risks when he climbs,because it's kind of new ground, generally. 贝尔在攀爬时冒了很大的风险 因为那里完全是一片新的地域
He's been usually in really challenging environments.So, yeah, definitely, risks are taken. 而他时刻身处充满挑战的新环境 所以冒风险是难免的
In Montana, I climbed a bridge to get to a railway line,and Simon, the cameraman,followed me up. 在蒙大纳州 为了爬上铁路轨道 我曾攀援过一座桥 摄影师西蒙 紧随其后
tilting3 down,just gives you a huge sense of reality about actually how high you've come. 稍一倾斜往下看去 你就会真真切切地 感受到你爬得有多高
You're just not human, if you don't feel a flutter. 只要是个正常人 你都会忍不住心里直打颤
Bear gets to the top of this,and he's got a chain with him,and he has to then basically
maneuver4 himself on a sort of an overhang,onto the top of this bridge. 贝尔爬到了最上面 拉着一条铁链 在大桥的最高点 基本上以悬空的姿势 谨慎地移动自己的身体
And it's probably about 350 feet high,maybe 400 feet high. It's a high bridge. 当时的高度约有350英尺 甚至是400英尺高 太高了
There he was, hanging on with one hand. 就这样 用一只手紧紧抓住铁链
And he climbs himself up, and it was that was a long way up. 然后慢慢地爬上去 这真的是一个漫长的过程