时间:2019-01-24 01:18:34
And so, even though I'm not scared of heights,looking down at that kind of height, 所以即使我不恐高 站在那样的高度向下望去
you think your heart is
definitely1 in your mouth. 你的心也一定会跳到嗓子口
And what goes up must come down in this case, down a very high waterfall. 有上必有下 这一次 我们要沿着这川瀑布而下
I'm gonna try and do that.Down the trunk.I'll get to that
ledge2. 我先试试看 沿着那根树干爬下去 到达那块岩壁突出的地方
Yeah.And then wave to you.And you can just reply yourself then,join me. 好的 然后我会向你招手 你看到了再响应我 爬过来
It if is cool, we find a good place to tie if off,ladder goes off,we go down together,and then we're out of there.All right. Great. Let's do it. 如果幸运的话 我们可以找个地方它绑上 做个梯子放下去 这样我们就能一起爬下去 走出这个地方了 好的 开始吧
So, I'm on an end of a rope,dangling in a waterfall. 于是我抓着绳子的一端 在瀑布里摇摇晃晃
In a waterfall, not next to the waterfall.In a waterfall.And it's not,it's not normal to be there. 是在瀑布里 不是在瀑布边上 就站在瀑布里 站在那里实在太奇怪了
Get onto the ledge!Water's pounding down on me.And it is a very uncomfortable place to be. 快落到岩壁上来 水流不停地冲刷着我 在那里待着非常不舒服
It's not only it's uncomfortable,with the water
banging3 on your head and most of your body. 不仅不舒服 而且水流不停地打中脑袋 冲刷着身体
Even though I've got a dry suit on,I'm still freezing cold. 即使是披上一套干的外衣 我还是冻得够呛
If there's enough water for a safe landing,I always like to jump in,though the height is sometimes an
issue4. 如果水很深 足够安全着陆 我通常都愿意往下跳 尽管有时要考虑高度的问题
I've been at the top of some of these jumps and had a look down. 我就站在贝尔跳下去的地方 往下看
But I'm just glad I ain't doing them, you know? 庆幸不是我来跳