

时间:2019-01-24 01:27:58



 By not drinking the fluid,you bypass1 the gag reflex, 通过不直接饮用海水 你不会感觉到咽反射

rehydrating without the risk of vomiting,but it's not pleasant. 再水化的水不会让你想呕吐 不过也不会是多舒服的事儿
Yeah, I won't deny it sort of made me cringe slightly,you know, when he did it. 看他这么做的时候 我承认我有点畏缩
I guess all you can do is lie back,and think of England. 你能做的就是躺着 然后尽可能想着美好的事情
Good of him, you konw, he went for it and did it. 很好  他努力做到了
In extreme survival2 situations,you've got to be prepared to do anything to stay alive. 在恶劣的环境中 为了求生必须做足充分准备
And one of the biggest battles is keeping warm at night. 最大的困难来自夜晚保暖的问题
We were filming in Ireland,and Bear came across a sheep that had died 我们在爱尔兰拍摄时 贝尔找到了一只死羊
and eventually pulled off the whole skin in one,you know, which he then turnedinto a "sheeping" bag. 最后把整张皮都扒下来了 给他自己弄了个羊皮睡袋
nice and snug,even though it looks pretty disgusting. 温暖又舒适 虽然看着有点恶心
And It really did work,he used it as a "sheeping" bag.You know, it was fantastic. 这玩意的确保暖有效 他把它当做羊皮睡袋来使 很妙的
Making good use of whatever you come across,however unpleasant,is at the heart of surviving in the wild. 无论多不舒服 都要充分利用能使你渡过难关的东西 这就是荒野求生的宗旨
A berber had given me this camel.But, you know, they'll use every single bit of this animal, 一个柏柏尔人送我了这头骆驼 每一只骆驼都会被物尽其用
not only, though, for food,also for water and, in extremity3, for shelter. 不仅是当做食物   还可以当做水源 甚至还可以用于遮阳
It's just as well that the viewer doesn't get smell the carcasses and animalsthat Bear eats. 观众闻不到 贝尔吃的动物的味道
Any animal kill is not pleasant the smell of death.There we go. 每次杀动物 那股子味道很不好闻 切开了



1 bypass ASJyQ     
  • If we take the bypass we'll avoid the town centre.我们走旁道就能绕过镇中心。
  • You cannot bypass this question.你不能回避这个问题。
2 survival lrJw9     
  • The doctor told my wife I had a fifty-fifty chance of survival.医生告诉我的妻子,说我活下去的可能性只有50%。
  • The old man was a survival of a past age.这位老人是上一代的遗老。
3 extremity tlgxq     
  • I hope you will help them in their extremity.我希望你能帮助在穷途末路的他们。
  • What shall we do in this extremity?在这种极其困难的情况下我们该怎么办呢?

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