时间:2019-01-24 01:33:36
He can't get enough of it.I think he prefers the food that Bear creates the food that he gets at home. 他总是吃不够 我觉得他应该很喜欢贝尔做的食物 感觉就像家常便饭一样
But in the Sahara, there was no way the crew were going anywhere near what I was about to eat. 但是在撒哈拉沙漠的时候 摄制组恨不得离我要吃的东西八丈远
Well, today, we're at the berber camp,and we're gonna be filming with these guys. 今天 我们在柏柏尔人的营地里 我们要和这些居民一起进行摄制工作
The berber tribesmen were very keen for me to try their local delicacy,goats' testicles. 柏柏尔人热切希望我尝尝当地美味 羊睾丸
The goat's strung up, skinned.The testicles are hanging there,two of them,one for the berber, one for Bear. 羊被吊起来剥皮 两颗睾丸就挂在那里 族人和贝尔一人一颗
And he knows this is coming.I'm sure he's psychologically building himself up to it. 他知道躲不掉 他肯定做足了充分的心理准备
Gets handed it and starts
munching1 on it like an apple. 接过羊睾丸后猛啃 像在吃苹果
That was the first time I had ever really seen him go green. 那是我第一次看到他反胃的样子
And he was retching. He was really retching. 他开始干呕 真的干呕起来了
I have no idea how he wasn't sick.I have no idea. 我不敢想象他怎么会不生病 真的不敢想象
Okay, muhammad, sorry about that. Let's carry on. 不好意思 酋长 我们继续吧
It's not often that things go wrong.Nice try on a
cactus2.but when they do, they tend to hurt. 偶尔也会出现意外状况 落在仙人掌上了 一旦意外发生 便可能产生危险
My life is about pushing myself.But also trusting myself and trusting my team. 我的生活就是不断挑战自我 同时也要相信我和我的团队的力量
In my quest to show you how to survive,just occasionally, I've pushed it a little to far.And paid the price. 在向你展示如何逃出生天时 我偶尔也会做得有点过火 也会付出相应的代价