时间:2019-01-24 02:00:21
To cross a deep canyon1 in Texas,I used an old tethered trap I'd found earlier, 为了穿越德克萨斯的一条峡谷 我用了之前捡到的一个绳套
improvised2 a grappling hook,and set up a tyrolean rope slide. 制作了一个攀岩勾 设置了一条攀爬索道
Bull's-eye!Feels like it's caught.And that's probably as good as I'm gonna get.Let's bring this back. okay, watch out. 正中红心 感觉已经挂住了 这可能是 我能做到的最佳效果了 把这条绳子往后拉拉 注意安全
The grappling hook that was thrown that Bear threw across the
gorge3 and got caught 'round a rock couldn't see exactly if it was well-secured,but went for it. 贝尔扔过去的自制攀岩勾 套住了峡谷另外一边的一块石头 无法确定是否稳固 只能硬着头皮试试了
It's definitely quite a squeeze on the ol' meat and two bits. 这样对身体和腿都是很大的考验
But there's no doubt all the way down there. 但毫无疑问 摔下去后果不堪设想
And he's going across there,and I thougt: "Well, It's looks preety secured", and then it slips. 他正在横越峡谷 我想 还挺安全的 突然绳子脱勾了
Bad place for the anchor to slip! 这可不是登山索玩脱钩的好地方
I thought, "that's actually a long way down" And you gotta to remind him about how high he is when something like that happens. 我还想过 这个峡谷确实很深的 遇到这种情况的时候 我们必须提醒他 这个地方到底有多高
However dangerous the situation,what keeps me going is the knowledge that I've got some of the best guys in the business right behind me. 不论环境多么险恶 一想到有同行业的顶尖人士 幕后的默默支持 我就会奋勇向前
It's kind of like being back in my commando days,with, you know, small teams of guys going off to do kind of mad things, I guess. 和这样一伙人做着各种 可以说无比疯狂的事 让我想起了做突击队员的日子
We're all kitted up, we're all geared up.And in we go, do our job, and then we fly out again. 我们带好装备 准备就绪 冲到目的地 开工 最后再飞回驻地
For the survivor,reaching safety is always the ultimate goal. 对求生者而言 获得救援才是最终目的
But sometimes getting rescued can be the most dangerous part of your whole deal.Now, stop, stop. 但有时候 获取救援 可能是最为危险的部分 快停下 停下