时间:2019-01-25 00:53:32
Me and the crew are in a narrow tunnel,and there's a train coming. 我和摄制组当时正在一条狭窄的隧道 有一列火车开了过来
Within a minute, come on, go, go, go, go, go! 马上就开过来了 快跑 快跑啊
In the tunnel, we're running away from this thing. 在隧道里的时候 我们怕被火车撞到
It's entered the tunnel. And it's just the blackness and this light,and then the "Ernn" the sound of the horn. 火车开了进来 突然一黑 然后一道灯光 紧跟着传来了汽笛的声音
Keep following me! Run!We're running, and I'm behind Bear, running. 跟紧我 快跑 我们一直在跑 我在贝尔后面
I trip and land on the tracks.Get up, get up, get up, get up! 我突然摔倒在铁轨上 快起来 快 起来
And it does occur to me,and you know this thing can't stop. 我当时脑子一懵 想到这火车肯定停不下来
and Bear turns around, and then,literally in a heartbeat,he's
grabbed2 me, throws me in front of him, 贝尔反身回来 就在这时 毫不夸张的说 电光石火间 他把我抓起来 扔到他前面
and we're running out, and the camera's now pointing backward.Run! 然后我们往外跑着 摄像机一直对着后面 快跑
Hot and crazy, and we're legging it out of this tunnel. 我们浑身大汗疯了一样地逃出隧道
We get to the end of the tunnel, dive out. 到隧道口的时候 赶紧扑到外面
So, immediately, we've hit dirt,Bear's up on his heels again, and he's running. 刚落到地上 贝尔就爬了起来 继续跑
We can make it!Get board this train. 还来得及 跳上了火车
And we both climb onto the train,and then he does the classic sort of wild west thing where he's jumping between carriages to carriages. 我们也跟着爬了上去 然后他做了经典西部片的动作 从一节车厢跳到另一节车厢
And, finally, he runs on the flatbed cars and gets up to the train, 最后终于跑到了车皮上 走到火车头那里
and you see this beautiful Montana
vista3 in front of you. 然后就是这一幅美丽的蒙大纳原野美景
So it was a really successful pickup,a really dramatic ending to a great show. 这是一次很成功的获救 也给这集摄制留下了一个完美的结尾
The end of the journey or the trip is always a highlight. 拍摄的最后阶段往往都是全片的高潮所在
Everyone takes a deep breath and thinks that, that was good,and there's always something great to reflect on. 每个人都深呼一口气 想着 这下好了 而且总会有一些特别的闪光点
When we come to the end of the show,and Bear gets on the plane, helicopter, or train, 每当摄制进入尾声 贝尔成功登上 飞机 直升机 或者火车的时候
It's such a good feeling. We know it's a wrap,and we know we're going home.A nice feeling. 我们都会如释重负 我们知道都结束了 我们就要回家了 感觉真的很好
It's been a privilege, fantastic journey.It's a really exciting,really exciting job to do. 那是一场美好 刺激的旅程 这是一份非常令人兴奋的工作
The truth is, I absolutely love doing the show.You know,we go to amazing places,face some pretty intense adventures and challenges. 说实话 我很爱制作这档节目 如你所见 我们去了各种神奇的地方 面对各种激烈的冒险与挑战
And there's no doubt in my mind, without the crew,this show would never happen. 而且我脑海里始终铭记 没有这个团队 就不会有这档节目