

时间:2019-01-25 00:55:06



 Well, in my sight for water,I am not much better off, you know. 我所能看到的水 情况不太乐观

there no sight of any rivers,no low patch green in the my indicate of assess.Just a lot of sand. 这里没有任何河流的迹象 也没有我所预想的灌木丛 只有一片沙海
What I do know is the prevailing1 wind here, comes the north west. 我能确定的是 这里盛行西北风
The steep slope of desert gym faces the way from the prevailing I can read this to get a bearing. 这片区域里沙丘的陡坡走向 表明了盛行风的方向 因此  我能通过这个来进行定位
I know that to the west is Atlantic.and that's where I want to head. 我因此得出往北能到大西洋 那里正是我要前往的地方
I am making a arrow here,just indicate tracks on traveling 我在此做下一个箭头标记 是为了在旅途中留下踪迹
If someone is lookig for you and they come cross sign like this, 如果有人在搜寻你 看到这样的标记
it could make that critical difference in that search and to your survival.Let's go in. 它有可能对搜寻工作有重要帮助 你也会因此获救 我们继续前进
Temperature here can soar to one hundred and twenty degrees. 这里的气温可以达到49度
And the only way to keep cool is to sweat up to two liters an hour. 唯一能够让你保持凉爽的 只有每小时排出的两公升汗液
Out here dehydration2 is your worse enemy.water is your best friend. 现在脱水是你最大的敌人 而水是你最有力的伙伴
This bottle is empty.There's a little thing.Shot to here. 瓶子空了 这里有个小家伙 钻进这里去了
Very nearly got him,Yeah, good ,try to dig him out. 差一点就抓到它了 很好  想办法把它弄出来
To be honest, it's not really worth your energy and the sweat you'll cost need to conserve3 by today. 老实说  它并不值得你这么耗费能量 并且我们需要保存今天 能够让你降低体温的汗液
So it's his lucky day. Go on then 所以今天它走大运了  继续走吧



1 prevailing E1ozF     
  • She wears a fashionable hair style prevailing in the city.她的发型是这个城市流行的款式。
  • This reflects attitudes and values prevailing in society.这反映了社会上盛行的态度和价值观。
2 dehydration UYkzX     
  • He died from severe dehydration.他死于严重脱水。
  • The eyes are often retracted from dehydration.眼睛常因脱水而凹陷。
3 conserve vYRyP     
  • He writes on both sides of the sheet to conserve paper.他在纸张的两面都写字以节省用纸。
  • Conserve your energy,you'll need it!保存你的精力,你会用得着的!

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