时间:2019-01-25 00:55:45
Just draining, sapping,but what are so really difficult things is just about putting your head down, 不停地流失水分 排除汗液 但是此时真正难以做到的事情 是你还能低着头
and keeping focused,recharging, reassess,and aim for the next one.Just break it down into small bite-sized
chunks1. 集中精力 一边恢复体力 继续判断方向 然后着眼于下一个落脚点 只需打破开来 一点点解决
Bottom line is it doesn't matter how good, smart or clever you are.Without water you are dead. 现在看重的不是你有多强 有多机灵或者熟练 没有水你就死定了
A vital part of
survival2 is always trying to remain
alert3 to what's around you. 荒野存活能成功的关键 是对你周围的事物时刻保持警惕
That's unusual.See that
mound4 of earth?There's a well.I took the camera.Okay. I've got it. 这有点不寻常 看到那堆土了吗 这儿有口井 我来拿摄像机 好了 松手吧
You can't even see the bottom there.Let's count this down. 你几乎都看不到底 数一下时间
One, two, two seconds.Yes, it's a good 50 foot down there,but it's also dry.This could be long abandoned, this well. 一 二 两秒 大概有十五米左右 但这口井已经枯了 这口井应该已经废弃很久了
Look. Trees over there and these wells are dug down to the water table. 看 那边有树 这口井应该挖至地下水位了
Almost guarantee if I can get down there,dig into the sand there's going to be water somewhere. 也就是说如果我下去了 再往下挖就应该会有水了
Let's try to work out how to get down this thing without a rope. 让我仔细想想 不用绳子怎么爬下去
Acacia trees surviving of the deep underground water could provide the materials I need. 靠地下水生存的阿拉伯胶树 能够提供我所需的材料
I need a couple of long, straight branches.Look. This will be nice. 我要两根长而直的树枝 看 这根就很好
As long as these poles are longer than the width of the well,I can use them to get down. 只要这跟树枝 比井的直径长一点 我就可以靠它们 下至井底
I should be able to. It's something I have never tried before. 我应该可以 我以前也从没试过
Just drag over the sand.I'm good to go with this.Okay. 在沙子里摩一摩 这样就差不多了 好了